

Before the Crack Was Even a Crack

That is when I got up today - before the crack of dawn was even a crack. . .

So what had me up THAT early you ask?

One of my friends (who would like to be known on my blog as "Froggie's Friend #1") and I took a field trip with a handful of others to Lorna's Laces to tour their facilities and get a lesson in hand dying yarn.

What it took to get there and back . . .

* One 5 AM alarm (which meant I slept in until about 6:15 AM even though I had to be ready to leave my place by 6:30 AM)
* To keep warm - Two hats, two scarves, one winter coat over my already warm clothes and one pair of boots
* One cup of steaming hot coffee
* Two train rides going and two train rides coming back


* Walking through the cold and snow about 7 - 10 blocks, total, both ways. (Maybe we should have just driven)

As we trudged through the snow and sipped our coffee. . .

My fellow knitters and I discussed how it was nice to be amongst others who understood why all this effort was worth it "just for yarn."

When we finally arrived at Lorna's Laces . . .

We were greeted by the owner - Beth Casey, her husband and their dog - Pearl. (Sorry to Beth's husband for not remembering his name)

In the beginning . . .

Beth shared with us how she became the owner of Lorna's, all about the different yarns they sell and even a secret or two about some new yarns that will be available soon (... and yes, we all signed confidentiality agreements so I can't reveal what they are)

And then there was . . .

A dying demo - try more like we saw 40 hanks of a new color that is coming out soon being dyed. I have to say it was really cool. I even picked up a few tips on what I can do differently the next time I attempt to dye yarn.

Last, but of course never least . . .

The group had a chance to shop the sale yarn. All said and done the damage was not that bad (at least for me).

In summary . . .

Overall, it was a great time. Sadly, my camera battery was way low on juice so I did not take any pictures of the excursion. I guess that means I just need to go back again at some point.

That is all for now folks. As always, until later . . . Ciao!

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