Instead, we got heavy rain all day long - which in some ways could be considered the equivalent of a bad snow storm. Do not get me wrong, had my plans not been rescheduled I would have been all about being social and happy to go out in the rain to see my friend. However, once they were and I got over the initial "this bites" feeling, I put things into perspective and embraced the opportunity to stay dry, get back into my sweats, watch movies and knit. I believe it's safe to say a lot of my knitting peeps would agree that rainy days are perfect knitting days (not that we need an excuse to knit). The result of all this - About 24 hours after I started the socks for my mom this is what I had accomplished:
The first of mom's socks measuring about 4" in length.
I know it doesn't look like much, but given that I am working with very fine yarn this is great progress. As the yarn began to take shape I decided that mom will definitely like the color and pattern of her socks. I hope they are not too scratchy. I hope that once the socks are washed and treated with a good fabric softener that will not be the case. I guess like many other things time will tell.
Knitting was not the only thing I did today. I did eventually manage to leave my place and venture into the wet world. My main motivation focused on heading to a local camera shop to play with the two digital slr's I've been trying to decide between.
If you had asked me a week ago which camera I was going to get I would have told you with confidence which one. Then I began to do more research and realized that my choice may have been ill advised. Given the financial investment in this item I felt it was necessary to go play with both these models once again. (Yes, I am THAT person who goes back countless times to fidget with the cameras just to make sure - it would be irresponsible of me not too.) The result? I made a decision, and an order has been placed. I eagerly await my new toy!
Happy Birthday Jaden!
I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to my friend's son Jaden Benjamin who arrived yesterday evening.
My friend called me tonight to share the news, but as it would be I found out this afternoon when I saw Jaden's first pics posted on Facebook. It's all good. It was still good to hear from my friend to be assured that mom and baby are doing well.
With that in mind - I wish everyone a good evening!
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