

What's Your Passion?

I had a friend who aspired to opened a baked goods business because they enjoyed baking so much - it is their passion. I loved hearing them talk through all the details of this future venture because I could tell it made them happy to think about it. I have not talked to this individual in almost a year so I do not know if they still aspire to open this business, or even have for that matter. I would like to think their aspirations are still the same and that one day I will glance at an advertisement for their business and realize they've turned their passion into their career.

Beth Casey, owner of Lorna's Laces, and the owner of Loopy Yarns, located in Chicago's downtown Loop, are other examples of people who have made a career out of their passion. Both quit their "Corporate America" jobs and became involved in the crafts industry. One took over a successful hand-dyed yarn manufacturing company and the other opened a yarn shop conveniently located close to where "Corporate America" knitters worked so they would have a place to escape during the day.

I bring all this up because I've thought, and talked, a lot this past weekend about what I would do if I were to make my passion(s) my career. Yes, when you make your passion a career there is the reality that it is work and that could potentially make you less passionate about it. However, it's inspiring to see people taking a chance and chasing the dream of true happiness in their careers. Seeing this brings to me a sense of hope that I do not see anywhere else in our world today. It gives me the push to think, "If they can do it, why can't I?"

Maybe in a couple of days this euphoria I am currently experiencing will wear off and reality will once again reside in the nook of my brain where all these aspirations are currently. I hope that will not be the case, but if it is that is fine by me because I know that in time the aspirations will come back once again. Once again I will be reminded that I do not have to settle and that I can, if I wish, one day make them reality.

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