Where should I start?
I guess at the beginning . . . The invite said "cocktail attire" so I figured why not take the opportunity to girl-it-up.
Though I am a t-shirt and jeans girl at heart, there is a part of me that enjoys picking out the perfect dress, shoes, accessories, and fixing up my hair just right. I did all those things for this event. Actually, I got a lot of compliments on my dress which is always appreciated. Oh, while were talking shoes - I believe I have redeemed myself and earned the right to be taken off girl card probation. Actually I liked the shoes I got so much I not only wanted them in the black patten I ended up purchasing but in the purple multi color they also come in (yes, when I find a shoe I like I try to get it in different colors), but alas I could not find my size and honestly I could think of more practical things to spend the money on.

So I was all girled-up, now what?
Getting there from the burbs was a bit of a challenge. The departure time got delayed because getting ready took longer then expected. Then traffic was just crappy and apparently taking side streets doesn't speed things up either. However, at the end of the day I got there and that is all that matters!
Let the Party Begin. . .
Here are my thoughts on the party itself (taken from my Yelp review of the party) -
"I couldn't have picked a better event to make my first Yelp event.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you . . . to Colleen and crew for putting together a wonderful party.
Everything was perfect! Tasty food, tasty drinks! Amazing performers. Oh, and the people . . . great people. It was a treat to finally meet some of you fine folks in real life.
It was the perfect way to end 2008 . . . and I look forward to another fun year of Yelping in 2009!"
Location! Location! Location!
The party was held at Architectural Artifacts. Wow! What a great place... Here's what I had to say about it on Yelp.
"It's all about the space. . .
And there is plenty of it. This place is a funky, spacious, unique space that is perfect for large parties. The openness gives anyone having an event here the option to make it into whatever they want it to be. My only regret in terms of exploring the space is not going out to the garden area - I guess I'll have to do that next time!
My rating is purely based on my experience attending the Winter Holiday Yelp event. Last night was my first visit to Architectural Artifacts, but I'd love to go during regular business hours to see what they've got on display then. From what I could see in terms of the items they sell this place is extremely high end and way out of my price range. However, it doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun to check things out
Close to public transportation and lots of parking as well is just plus Artifacts has going for it.
All in all, I'm a fan!"
What Now?
Ah yes, after all the time and energy put into this one event, likes all good things it eventually had to end. I have the good memories from the evening out and I will never forget them. I look forward to other Yelp events and other occasions there will be to dress up once again.
I know I said this in my posting about the event, but I want to make sure to say a big thanks to Colleen, Andrea and crew for a great party! Y'all did a great job!
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