Another weekend has come to an end. . .
I made three big decisions that will definitely have an impact on my life. And, have already started to take action on two of the three.
One will pose more of a challenge for me than anything else, but I'm totally up for it. The other two will take me down the road less traveled. It should be an adventure. At this time I'm not going to get into details, but I will say that I'm excited and looking forward to where this takes me.
Quote of the Weekend:
"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want." (I'm not sure where that one originated as one of my friends told me it was on a bumper sticker they once saw, but the quote kept coming up all weekend. And it is oh so true!)
This weekend I had one of those "ah ha" moment . . . I have some truly wonderful people in my life. I'm feeling very fortunate.
Now it's not like I didn't know this before my "ah ha" moment. It's just that it's not something I think about ALL the time. This weekend, a few conversations I had really brought to the forefront what great people I know and have in my life.
My place is coming together. I'm very proud of the progress I've made in terms of getting through the remaining junk boxes and organizing everything. Though I've done a good job at hanging things most of my walls are still bare. I went to the crafts store to start looking for fabric for the infamous panels I mentioned awhile back. I think I found one of the two things of fabric I'm going to use. I'm also debating about buying the mirror and lamp I want. The irresponsible side of me is itching to purchase both items right away because I believe them to be exactly what I envisioned for this place. The thrifty, always looking for a good deal, side of me believes I should wait to see if they get discounted soon or if I can find something similar and just as fabulous at a less expensive cost. In the meantime, I will concentrate on other areas of the place to decorate.
Knitting was on the brain a lot this weekend. I'm still in the process of making my sock blanket (scarf maybe) squares. Some of my knitting peeps are amazed that I can knit some projects without looking at what I'm doing . . . as if I'm on knitting autopilot. This only happens when I'm working on a project that is either garter stitch or has a easy repeat. It's nice to have this ability as it allows me to really be able to watch movies and tv show while I knit - and look others in the eyes while I'm talking t them.
This weekend I also beaded and casted on my January sock club shipment (only 5 months and two other shipments later). Now that I've had the experience of beading yarn I can say it is an interesting process. First off, never in my life did I think I'd be buying floss threaders to bead yarn. I didn't know what a floss threader was until this project. Secondly, threading beads onto medium weight yarn is challenging. Lastly, I can't tell you how many times I counted those beads to make sure I had the exact amount on the yarn. All that said, I've seen what the end product will look like. It is absolutely worth the trouble!
I bought yarn this weekend. Yes, I feel like I need to confess this as if I did something horribly wrong. I was actually good as I could have gotten a lot more than I did. I already know what I'm going to make with the yarn I bought.
The first pair of socks I'm going to call my Banana Hannah Socks because, well, the yarn reminds me of bananas.
It's Opal Universal Sock and Sweater yarn. The pattern I'm going to use is the one I created on my own. I have the perfect outfit to wear them with as well which make the purchase even that much better.
The second thing of sock yarn I purchased was Ditto, Orange Hotsprings. Or, as I already refer to them as my future Pumpkin Patch socks.
They will be perfect for the Fall! I have a few patterns in mind, but nothing for sure yet.
I counted yesterday the number of socks I have waiting in my stash. The final total is around 15. It seems like a lot, but one of my knitting peeps said they have around 100. Ummm, yeah, they win. Oh, they also make me feel a lot better about my stash.
Well, that's all for now. Until later. . .