

And The Hours Have Just Flown By. . .

Today has been a lazy day. I'm kind of glad I haven't been gung-hoo about running around today. It's storming on and off which is fine as long as I'm inside. I just realize how nice it is not to be in the old place and have to worry when it rains.

The main reason I had to leave old place was that they deemed it "structurally unsafe" because water was seeping into the unit despite the fact that I was no where close to the ground floor. Yep, that's right! Every time it rained water soaked into the carpet. I was one of 40-some units to be effected by this. At one point I had plastic bags underneath most of my furniture in an effort to create a barrier between the wet carpet and base of my furniture. Some of stuff wasn't even a year old at the time and regardless I like the furniture I have. Other pieces have been passed down to me and are irreplaceable.

So here I am, since I've been awake I've spent a lot of time working on my second blanket. I have neglected it for some time and had several squares to add. I guess I'm concentrating on mine so much because I know it needs to get done sooner - 35 is closer than I may think, but not exactly right around the corner.

Now if I could only get the motivation to download and post the month and a half worth of pictures I have. The longer I wait the more tedious the task will be.

That's all I have for now. Hope everyone is staying dry - where ever you may be.

Until later . . .

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