Case and point: I was at a Shiva (the Jewish form of a wake) this week and close to the end a group of people were talking about someones soon-to-be spouse. The couple had just said goodbye and the chatter began. I learned that folks weren't thrilled with the STBS. GREAT! I say this because these are the kind of things you hear about after a relationship has ended. People come out of the woodwork with their true opinions on what they observed. Would you have listened? Probably not, but it would have been out there. Believe it or not, I appreciate it more when my friends call me out on something than when they just sit back and internally protest. Yes, I may not like hearing it or take action immediately based upon their comments, but at least they say something - and it's out there. In my case, though it may seem like it's not being mulled over in reality it's always in the back of my head waiting for its time. One last thing, I hate feeling as though I can't admit certain things to others. The kind of things that give people more perceived power or make you appear to be weak and unable to get over it. I'd rather be a feeling person than a robot with a cold heart.
Getting off my soapbox now.
This weekend should be fun as I will be attending a baby naming for my friend's 8-month-old son. Yeah, the one whose baby blanket still takes up residence in my home. (Not for much longer!!!) Actually, I'm particularly looking forward to this naming because I will be seeing some of my dearest friends. It will be a reunion of sorts. These are the those folks you've known so long that you can't believe someone actually allowed them to have children because you know how they "use" to be. To that accord, these are the people who you've known so long that they are practically family. I think this is one of the cool things about being at the age I am at. At this point sometimes you wonder if the reason y'all stay friends has do with true friendship or the fact that you both have so much blackmail material on the other that you couldn't possibly risk ruining bond. I like to think it's the former and not the later - in all cases! Regardless of any of this, it will be nice to see everyone and be introduced to the next generation.
I'm thinking of filing a motion to keep my past from not coming back time-and-time again. Just when I think I'm done with certain matters I'm reminded that isn't the case. Oh well! It is what it is I guess. I will take care of what I need to and put this particular matter to rest. However, I like my idea of filing some sort of motion. Think it would work?
Yesterday, I got not only one . . . not only two. . . but THREE mini-skein swap packages in my mailbox!
OMG! Never in my life have I been so in love with my mailman. No, I can't say I want to make-out with him as one of my friends professed to in her blog when she hosted one of these swaps. However, I can surely understand why she said that. The dude delivers yarn to your home almost every day! Yarn you didn't pay for either. That can't be beat. Ok, yes, I have to send most of it back, but in the mean time its awesomeness and beauty graces my home and that is all that matters right now. Oh, and then I get to add my portion of the yarn to blankie.
Last night I determined the scarf I am making for my mom's coworker is long enough because I've decided to . . . (brace yourself) . . . block the scarf. This will stretch it out even further than it already it. Normally, I don't block things, but I've decided to give it a shot. Guess this means I'm growing as a knitter.
Knitting Housekeeping: I have to determine whose getting what for the holidays and birthdays this year. I would like to be more timely in my gift giving this go around. I still have BFF's socks to make which probably means I should dye some yarn. Hmmm. . . I also want to start that sweater I talked about making this year. I've picked out the yarn so I guess that is a step in the right direction. Now I just need to purchase it and maybe cast-on. I also miss sock knitting. I've been so preoccupied with making things for others (which I enjoy a lot) and blankie that I've put aside my socks. Maybe the cooler weather will inspire me to reconcile with the July sock and actually work on them.
Well, that all the thinking and rambling I can handle for now.
Until later . . .
1 comment:
I'm already feeling a little swamped, and I haven't even started the holiday knitting yet (um, that could account for the swamped feeling though. =p) I did, however, break out my swift, Hestia, and wind the six skeins of laceweight for my two sister's Xmas gifts. I might even start one today! *gasp!shock*
This mini skein swap...I am intrigued (and jealous!)
Also, I'm thinking about getting a couple of bare skeins from to attempt to do a little dying. Do you use kool-aid or yarn dyes?
*babbles on*
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