If anyone had yarn they were not going to use and could donate to the blankie cause I would appreciate them send some my way. (I told you it was a simple request.) Some time passed when I got this PM:
RAK Group - Sock Yarn Scraps :D
Sent at 8:10 PM August 13, 2009
Hello hello! I have a small ball of Regia Surf sock yarn that I will never do anything with, and I would love to send it to you to add to your blanket - I was trying to roll it into a ball one night a couple of years ago (without a swift) on a very bad day. It kept getting tangled, and in a fit of childish temper tantrum, I threw it across the room, fueled by language that would, quite possibly, make a sailor blush. I have since reconciled with the yarn, but think that it’s little story might give your blanket a little bit of sass to it.
"Language that would, quite possibly, make a sailor blush." I love it! I am surely no stranger to foul language as I know I'm guilty of using it sometimes far too often. However, I'm not sure what language would make a "sailor blush," but again I've said somethings that definitely shocked my mother - and others around me - and I thought they wouldn't be. It was as if this yarn was just meant to be part of my stash. So, I replied back to awkward and graciously accepted her offer.
Fastforward about a week: I picked up my package notice when the post office was closed which meant I would have to be patient and pick it up at a later date. That later date was last night. I opened the small box and there it was - the yarn that would make a sailor blush.

But that wasn't the only thing in the box. . .

There were chocolates as well, but those have been put aside for a rainy day.
All-in-all, a very thoughtful RAK with a great story attached. The "sailor yarn," which is how I affectionately refer to it, has already taken its rightful place as part of the blankie. No, it didn't take me long. Now I will just need to figure out what to do with the rest of it.
Until later . . .
I think you have enough to share some with me. :)
Okay, this made me LMAO (and um...HI! I am not cyber-stalking, I SWEARS! Or, wait, is it cyber-stalking if I like...ANNOUNCE myself? I'm not exactly covert. Oh, damn. *grin*)
Again, I'm so glad you like the yarn and the other stuff! It was my pleasure, and honestly, I'm glad it was to you. Here's to salty language! ^_~
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