

Funky Froggie

I've been in a funk so this should be interesting. . .

• Virtual Hide and Go Seek - except no one is really hiding nor seeking.

• Competitive Sushi eating

• When someone say you're a "strong person" what they really mean is that you've been dealt so much crap that this next delivery shouldn't really make a difference.

• Yarn and Chocolate all in one package

• I once saw a married man looking at a PlayGril magazine while waiting for a red light to change. Every time I feel weird about knitting at red lights I think of that guy - it helps me feel normal.

• Now I understand why she wanted to make-out with the mailman.


• Another "geekism" has been added to my repertoire.

• The reason why I tell you has to do with the fact that I know you won't judge my behavior since you do the same exact thing.

• Now I know the part of my message you were really focusing on.

• Pot-Kettle Confidentiality

• I wish I could remember what "thought" I wanted to put in this bullet point. :O

• Purple Frog/Purple Moose

Until later . . .

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