

Socktacular Saturday: My Number

Whenever we have the conversation I laugh - a lot. Mainly because if you didn't know what we were talking about you'd think we were revealing how many individuals we've been intimate with. (Sorry if that is what you thought I meant by the sub-title, "My Number." This is not one of "those" type of posts.)

In reality I'm talking about the number hanks of sock yarn I have. I have to admit it's easy to lose track - fast! Recently, I reorg-ed my stash. I was talking with someone about the stash situation and their intial suggestion had given me the idea of using the top compartment of my cedar chest to store this plentiful abundance. This came as a creative solution to the complaint I had made that just throwing the stash in the main compartment made it difficult to find what I was looking for.

The result:

If you ask me, it worked out well. It has helped me better visualize my inventory and get a handle on what I have.

For those that don't knit, or knit as often as I do, it may look like a lot. However, it's not. My number is a lot lower than others I know. (Yeah, I realize I just rationalized this by comparing myself to others . . . no need to point out the obvious.) However, the truth is that my number is a lot lower. For example, I know someone who could knit a pair of socks every month for the next 10 years. I'll let you do the math on this one. When I tell other sock knitters about this amazing number there are some that sigh with relief their number is not so bad. Others laugh at me and say something to the effect of, "That's nothing."

So, why is there a need for so much stash? Well, if you are a sock knitter than you have to answer that for yourself. For non-knitter, no reason I give you will suffice. Honestly, do you think you'd buy into any reasoning I give you?

When I first converted my number into actual dollars, I had a minor heart attack. I instantly wondered if this was covered by my insurance policy G-d forbid something happened. Then I realized that some of my number was gifted to me. Yeah, a majority of it has be bought by yours truly, but it is true that I didn't pay for ALL of it. (Yes, I realize that I am continuing to rationalize.) At the end of the day it makes me happy and I know one day all this fibrous goodness will be used to make the o-so coveted knitted socks I look forward to putting on every day. To me that is all that matters.

Oh, and as for my number . . . I'm not telling. It might make a good blog contest some day. : P

Until later . . .


Food Coma

• Food Coma - there seems to be a lot of these lately

• Death by socks

• I willingly opened Pandora's box . . . Crap Monkey! What was I thinking?

• After knowing them for close to a decade I find out we're distant family - the world just got smaller!

• "That's ok. I'll let you have my piece of Cauliflower."

• I prefer the Glee version to the original

• What's this white stuff floating around? I don't remember authorizing it.

• Pinch me, I need to make sure I'm not dreaming

• Now there is another reason to look forward to Spring - Lorna's!

• Born to Organize

• If you can't find the right word in the English language there is probably a Yiddish one that works perfectly

• There is no place like home!

Until later . . .


Sincerest Apologies

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for January 20, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 422

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 314

Dear Fellow Knitter,

I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for bugging you the other day at the yarn store after you mentioned you are almost finished with your Sock Yarn Blanket. I get a tad enthusiastic when I met someone else who has taken on this mammoth project. Furthermore, to hear someone else is almost finished just fuels that enthusiasm. I hope I didn't bore you with the tales of my sock yarn blankie journey thus far. I am the first to admit it is most interesting to me since this project is taking up so much of my time and energy.

Additionally, I would like to apologize for trying to hint that you could donate your leftover scraps to me. When I first started this project I wasn't as bold. Eight months later . . . well . . . let's just say that is a different story.

It's too bad you don't post pictures of your projects FK. I would love to see your finished blanket as I believe you to be a knitting rock star for taking on and finishing such a project. Instead, I will share your tale with my other fellow sock yarn blankie knitters as we strive for the same glory.

Best of luck on your next big knitting journey.



New Hope

In the world of sock wars there is still hope that I can get a second Sock Wars kills before I die. WooHoo!

See, you never know what life has in store for you.

Until later . . .


Socktacular Saturday: Dead Froggie Walking

As I alluded to earlier this week, last weekend I had no time to blog. Why? Because I dedicate last weekend to making Death Socks for my sock wars target, Darth Purl.

OMG! What a process.

My plan of attack was to spend every waking moment knitting until my weapon was done. However, I knew I'd have to take breaks otherwise my spirit, and wrists, would be broken. So, my social calendar last weekend was carefully constructed such that I spent a majority of the time knitting yet still had a "life." Originally the plan was to go out Friday evening, even though the pattern was suppose to be released at 7PM CST, and start on my weapon early Saturday morning. Breaks would pop-up during the day and that evening I would allow myself another chance to be social. As much as I wanted to just sit and knit I knew it wasn't healthy on many levels to do so. Sunday would be the day to finish up.

What really happened . . .

Friday night's plans got rescheduled so I was able to start that evening. I didn't get far, but I started. Saturday I was up at the crack-ass of dawn to work said death socks. Later on in the morning a fellow warrior came over. We figured it would be nice to have some company during this marathon knitting experience. Realizing we couldn't be cooped up inside all day we eventually ventured out for food and a glimpse of the world that was taking place around us. Saturday night I went to a 40th b-day party. Thankfully there were other knitters there so I could be social AND knit. YAY! Once I got home Saturday evening, and wrote my blog post, I hunkered-down for, yes, more death sock knitting. I did this until early on into the morning. Alas, eventually had to sleep. Since my Friday plans had been rescheduled for Sunday I wasted no time working on the socks. I think at this point sock number one had been completed and I was casting on sock number two. Honestly, this is where I hit a wall with this endeavor. However, I persevered. The day basically consisted of knitting and watching the Jersey Shore marathon. (Man, I feel dirty for admitting I watched this show.) Sunday evening was spent once again relaxing and socializing. By the end of the "official" weekend I was almost halfway.

Remember that wall, it got a lot taller at that point.

Last but not least Monday was spent finishing up the death socks. Oh, what a fantastic moment that was! Afterward, I started snooping around the Sock Wars group on Rav and seeing what my assassin was up to and also what my target's situation was. That's when I learned of the "bigfoot" socks my target was in the process of making. Since I realized I was the next one to receive them and my friend had already dubbed her target as "bigfoot" I decided to start calling them "the Jolly Green Giant" socks. Honestly, I had mixed emotions about working on these big socks. Signs of the carpal tunnel I had in the later half of 2008 started showing up again and mentally I was just beat. However, the competitor in me wanted to be the one to kill the giant. Alas, my assassin has made it clear that my death socks are on their way. So, it looks like she is the one who will have take on this big kill.

This whole process has been a lot of fun. And, believe it or not, I have learned a lot about myself in the process. The top three:

• It is possible to function on Dark Chocolate Chex Mix and OJ.

• Playing hard rock while doing Yoga can be relaxing.

• Limitation exist and it's important to know what yours are.

On that note, I wish the remaining warriors standing the best of luck!

Until later . . .



I'm being unoriginal. I got this from a friend's blog and figure it was perfect for a Friday. So here we go . . .

8 TV shows I watch:

• Castle - Relationship tension between the lead characters, who done it situations and a hot leading male actor . . . how can you go wrong?
• Glee - It's all about the music. I was also in Concert/Show Choir in High School and Jr. High.
• Greys Anatomy - I'm an "ulimate" fan
• Private Practice - More medical stuff
• Project Runway - Yes, we've gotten into my love of reality tv folks!
• Man v. Food - Food and reality tv, there is no better combo!
• Gossip Girl - Yes, I really do watch this and have no problem admitting it.
• Brothers and Sister - How could you not love this dysfunctional family?

8 Places I Eat or Drink:

• Panera
• Village Tavern
• Cozy Corner
• My mom's place
• My place
• Max and Benny's
• Jin's
• Tong's

8 Things I look forward to:

• Being at home
• Knitting group
• Chatting with my friends
• Low key days
• Seeing how it will all work itself out
• Getting packages in the mail (as long as they are not death socks... oh, who am I kidding, I'll enjoy that too.)
• Learning new things
• Skydiving

8 Things that happened yesterday:

• Overslept - again
• Had a piece of apple pie for breakfast
• Realized sometimes I am too organized for my own good
• Let reality set in a bit
• Made plans for the weekend
• Stalked the Sock Wars group on Rav to see what my assassin was up to and see where my target was with the socks she is making for her target (aka - the Jolly Green Giant)
• Found a new use for my Kitchen Aide stand mixer
• Went out in the evening

8 things I love about Winter:

• Snowfalls
• Snowball fights
• Ice Skating
• When signs of Spring start show (it means winter will soon be O-V-E-R)
• I get to wear my grey and black plaid jumper dress
• Warm blankets
• Hot Chocolate (what you think I was going to leave out food?)
• Bake Potato soup

8 Things on my wish list:

• Being able to join more than one sock club
• iPhone
• Answers to the unknowns in life
• No reruns on tv
• More time
• A motorcycle
• A life decoder ring . . . Seriously, as much as I like surprises sometimes I need some direction.
• Nikon D90

8 Things I am passionate about:

• Photography (though you wouldn't really know it)
• Knitting
• Yarn
• My family
• My friends
• Stepping outside of my comfort zone
• Volunteering

8 words (and phrases) I often use:

• Crap Monkey
• Optimal
• A special kind of
• Seriously
• Whatever
• I'm just me
• Nerd/Geek
• I know

8 things I learned from the past:

• To trust my gut instinct
• It all works out in the end
• To not let anyone, or anything, get between myself and those I love and care about the most
• Mindset is a big part of the battle
• That good things come just in the knick of time.
• That I'd rather be unpopular with a handful of really good friends then popular with a lot of ok friends
• Not to worry about the things I have no control over
• To just be myself

8 Things I want/need:

• More sleep (need)
• Answers (need)
• The ability to make a simple decision, such as what kind of mp3 player to get, within a reasonable amount of time. (want)
• Spring and Summer to get here - don't get me wrong, I've actually dealt with this winter very well, but I would be happy to welcome Spring and Summer back any day now. (want)
• To go to Vegas - at least once. (want)
• To pursue my dream job (want)
• iPod (need)

Ok, that was a lot harder than it looked. I think I need a nap now.

If you do this too, then comment in the comment section and let me know, I will come to your blog and read it. Now it will be interesting to see who's up for the challenge.

Until later . . .


Tonight Was The Night

• Oh, I so want to mock it, but I'm not "that person" so I won't.

• In this case size does matter

• "Jolly Green Giant"

• Nope, it's not as over as I thought it once was. (FAIL)


• "Dear Target, Relax. I’m so screwed." - Woo Freakin Hoo!

• Calm and Collected

• Define being competitive and really competitive please

• It's all about the element of surprise

• Is an e-mail written under duress the same as a confession taken under duress?

• The "Purple Look Of Death"

• Implosion

• All this talk of war is over-shadowing the sheep's upcoming visit.

• Will they or won't they?

Until later . . .

Redesign and Surgery

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for January 20, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 397

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 339

I couldn't just leave things the way they were. No, no, no . . . I had an epiphany and ran with it. Nothing would go wrong, right!? (Famous last words.)

About two weeks ago I decided to redesign blankie a bit. I decided that I would undo three of the square from the very bottom row, that faced upside down and replace them with a larger square that faced the same direction. The other decision I made was that after I performed this surgery, I would start expanding blankie's length from the opposite direction I have been this whole time. It was so freakin' cleaver and genius!

Then, I performed the surgery/redesign. I went into this procedure thinking it would be a piece o' cake. Who was I kidding? I mean really. From the very start it was disaster. From the very start I started to screw things up. First things first - I snipped the wrong yarn end. Oops! Then after I realized what I had done I fixed that. Then after I started to unravel the three squares in question I realized two things.

1) It wouldn't be as easy as I thought to just rip the stitches out. I basically ended up cutting squares out of blankie.

2) By taking out these stitches I would be exposing live stitches. Should these stitches drop blankie would have been a goner.

After a mild coronary/anxiety attack I put a temporary lifeline through these live stitches so they would be the demise of this project. Once I had the lifeline in place I started to work on the new large square. Once that was finished I felt much better about what had happened.

Blankie, and seven plus months of work, were saved! Phew! All was right with the world again. Blankie's growth has been stunted a bit with the anticipation and start of Sock Wars. Once I'm killed, I fully expect to start working full-force on blankie once again.

Until later . . .


Back In Action

I've been somewhat absent over the past few days - in case you haven't noticed. It's been a crazy week(end) and blogging was the last thing on my mind. If it hadn't been for BFF questioning what Sock Wars was all about I probably wouldn't have even cranked out Saturday's post.

So life has been crazy. There is a lot going on and sometimes it amazes me how I seem to juggle it all. Actually, what I am more in amazement about is my reaction these days to those things I have no control over. I had something big happen and after I began to deal with the situation I took a step back. I started to wonder if I'm in the right body. Once upon a time I would not have been as calm and collected as I am about what happened. But, I was/am calm and collected which makes deal with less than pleasant things a lot easier.

My mom use to tell me that after the age of 26 a person is who they are going to be and that usually doesn't change. That doesn't mean they won't change at all. It just means that the changes will be more subtle. I guess this is one of those subtle changes for me.

Honestly, I'm happy about this change. In the long run it will take me far. What I find even more heart-warming is that others are taking notice of this transformation as well. I kind of feel that one can believe they've changed all they want, but when others take notice you get confirmation change has actually taken place. Normally, I don't place lot on what others think of me. Love me; hate me. I am who I am. However, in this case I'm glad to see others are taking notice. It means a lot to me and makes me feel even better than I already do.

Until later . . .


Socktacular Saturday: Sock Wars (Cliff Notes Style)

"It not personal; It's SOCK WARS."

That this the declaration my Facebook status makes this evening. Promptly, BFF respodned that she still wasn't sure what it was all about even though she had seen a post on it from another blog. So, this is my attempt to describe Sock Wars. However, it will be in Cliff Note fashion.

• The Structure:

Each participant has a target and is a target.

• The Objective:

To kill your target with a pair of knitted socks before you are killed by a pair of knitted socks.

• The weapon:

A pair of knitted socks. The patterned used has to be from the official list of Sock Wars patterns.

• When is your target considered "dead"?

When they receive their socks

• If you kill your target what happens to their target and their targets socks?

Once you have killed your target they send you the socks they were working on along with their targets information. This person then becomes your target and you must complete the unfinished pair of socks and get them to your target before your death socks arrive.

• What are the warriors strategies to win Sock Wars?

For some knitting until their hands fall off. For others, all night knitting. Giving up all social engagements until their weapons are complete. The lengths are unimaginable!

• What is the final prize?

Well, besides bragging rights, there is also a fibrous incentive as well!

Any Questions????

Until later . . .


House Keeping

Well, is less then 24 hours Sock Wars will begin and all my other projects will be pushed aside until my "death by socks" arrive at my home. I'm going into this competition/swap with only a few expectations.

1) Knit at least one pair of socks and kill my target.

2) Acquire a pair of socks and get to write an obituary.

3) Have fun.

If I even get anywhere close to placing on the leader board a month from now I will consider it gravy.

With that in mind, I feel it would be a good idea to take inventory of all projects that are currently on the needles and will soon be hibernating for awhile:


Blankie had some redesign work/surgery done last weekend and I really haven't touched it much since. There is an update coming down the pipeline I just need to get around to finishing the post (I'm a few days off on that I realize).

Husband Socks:

It took me only a week and a half (and that includes working on other projects at the same time), but I have reached the 9" of leg length that the pattern calls for and have started the heel flap. So, I feel that these socks are at a good point where I am comfortable putting them aside for awhile.

BFF Socks (Project Name Abbreviated done for efficiency purposes):

The prep work for the BFF Socks has been completed and the socks have been casted-on. Yay!!!

Small Feet Socks:

Totally frogged and the yarn is re-caked. MUST start those soon!

Hmmmm . . . Remember the days when I just worked on one project at a time? I do!

Until later . . .


Running In Heels

• "I would like to change to Saturday because my horoscope says that is a better day."

• At first I didn't like her, at all, and for good reason. However, I'm now starting to warm up to her a bit.

• I had to go shoe shopping. Gee, what a horrible thing!

• I'm hungry, but I can't eat - what's wrong here?

• One pair of socks; one weekend.

• This time I wanted to walk shoeless in the snow.

• Is it really coming to an end? Or, is it another false alarm?

• Frogs are good.

• At least I reap one benefit from being stressed.

• I wonder if they ever caught him.

• He asked how I was doing. Clearly he is sick.

• I thought the cold war was over, but apparently I was wrong.

• Volunteering taken to a whole new level.

Until later . . .


Sock Wars V

Just when you thought you it was safe to join Sock Wars V . . .

An adversary like no other comes along . . .



Beware - Your Death Socks Are On The Way!


Picture Perfect


To hang five framed prints (better late then never). Two on one wall and three on another. Ideally, perfectly leveled with one another and spread apart so only someone with CDO would see the minor difference.


Eye it. Pick a spot on the wall as a focal point and go from there.


After getting over light anxiety I attacked the task at hand head-on. On the first go around no double takes had to be done. On the second round, one double take occurred.



All prints are level and appear to be perfectly even with one another. Spacing is good as well. I believe only someone with a fine-tooth comb would notice a discrepancy.


There is on last thing to be hung. (And after some consideration it might not get hung up until the next place I move.) It's a mirrored tea light thingy. However, I believe I need a drill so I can put anchors in the wall. I don't have a drill. So I need to borrow one.

As for now, I am looking at my prints and patting myself on the back impressed with my job done really well.

Until later . . .

Plant Death

Back in October I took on the hopeful task of mothering three plants. It was a very optimistic thing. Simply put - I kill plants. Or, at least that is what my experience has been.

For awhile now, one of the plants has slowly, but surely been going downhill health wise. Finally this weekend I decided said plant was better off going to that big garden in the sky so I let it go. RIP dear plant.

October 2, 2009 - January 10, 2010

Until later . . .


Socktacular Saturday

If you haven't figured out by now I LOVE knitting socks. A lot. The only reason I haven't knit as many socks as I would like has to do with the fact that I want to have blankie done by this November.

Recently I decided to try and knit multiple socks at one time. Clearly, the blankie challenge wasn't enough. Now I need to see how many pairs of sock I can handle at one time.

So, here we go. I will be knitting the "BFF B-Day, Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, New Year's, potentially V-Day, Purim, Wedding Anniversary, April Fool's Day, Memorial Day, Summer Solstice Socks," "Small Feet Socks" and "Husband Socks" all at the same time. Yep, that's right! Three pairs at the same time.

The goal is to actually complete them all within the first quarter of 2010. Preferably, by the end of February.

Let the fun begin!

Until later . . .


What Would You Do?

Years ago, Oprah had this show where families of murder victims had face-to-face conversations with the individuals who committed the murders. They got to ask the individual all the questions they had about the events that unfolded leading up to the fateful act.

I watched the show and I have to tell you it surprised me. I thought these people were crazy. At the time, I commented that I didn't know that I could do that. Or, would want to do that had it been my loved one they killed. Furthermore, why would you want to do such a thing? Was the criminal sorry because of what they did or because they ended up in jail for what they did?

The main goal, I believe was closure. Closure for the loved ones. Closure for the person who committed the act. However, the key to the whole process is that everyone involved was honest and sincere in their communications. (Or at least I would think so.) I guess the thought was if everyone was going into the process willingly then they would sincere and honest.

After watching the show, I believe all parties were, or at least appeared to be, truly genuine in their expressions and in the end benefited.

Fast forward to current. Recently, I find myself thinking about that Orpah show from time-to-time. I still don't know if I could do such a thing (hopefully I will never experience such horrible circumstance to warrant such a thing), but I don't think what they did was as crazy as I first thought it was. Actually, I think it was a very smart thing to do. It gave these people the chance to potentially get answers to questions they carried with them for so long. It gave them a chance to close a chapter in their life that needed an ending written. It helped them move forward.

So, I will leave this one question floating in cyberspace for you to ponder - What would you do if this was your situation?

Until later . . .



• After all the show and tell they are hers.

• "You don't make your husband hold the yarn for you?"

• Three's A Charm

• How many can I handle at one time?

• It really isn't what you think it is.

• There were half a dozen police cars gathered around - what was going on?

• It was as if they had a dossier on me.

• Step away from the refresh button.

• Her questions are very personal, but she asks them as if she's asking about the weather.

• A reality tv show I actually have learned something from. Who knew it was possible?

• What do you mean my account is temporarily unavailable?

• 80% chance it will happen? That means there is still a 20% chance it won't.

• Breakout your spreadsheets people! She's trying to make a decision.

• Next time she needs to press the brake, not the acceleration pedal.

Until later . . .


The Chef and The Knitter

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for January 5, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 376

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 360

Last night, I watched the movie "Julie and Julia." It was cute and I'll probably rent it now and then, but it wasn't as good as I expected. However, what really struck a cord with me is Julie Powell's blog posts about her adventures in cooking her way through Julia Child's cookbook. It reminds me in some ways to this blankie challenge I've taken on. Could I write on a daily basis about it? No. Sometime, a weekly basis is a stretch.

Of the blog posts that were referenced during the movie, it was mentioned what the challenge did for Julie Powell. Personally, this challenge that I am currently in the middle of has done a lot for me so far. I know I've mentioned this before, but when you take on something like this you learn a lot about yourself. Most of the time you don't really realize these things until someone stops you to ask how you do it, or why you do it. I think that is part of the magic of something like this.

Before I sign off . . .

As I type this entry out, I sit here, as I have done many times before, with blankie draped across my lap (folded in half given the chair I'm in.) At home I use it as a lap blankie.

The perfect lap blanket (taken December 2009)

The length of blankies reports in at 54" which is just barely 9/10 of my 62.75" height with a depth of 26" - a 1/3 of a King size bed.

Back in the day, there wasn't much warmth to blankie. Now, when I take it off my lap I am amazed the difference it makes. Back in the day, there was no form or function to it. For some reason I was adding squares all over the place instead of straight across. One day, I finally got it to an even length across. I was tickled purple the day that happened. I know one day not to far from now, this monster will not only drape my lap, but my legs as well. As much as I look forward to that day as it will mean the end is near I believe it will also be bitter sweet.

Until later . . .


Over Committed

I have a tendency to over commit myself in many areas of my life. I believe I've talked from time-to-time about finding balance in my life. This tendency is part of that challenge. In an effort to stay a bit more organized, and on task, I made a list of projects and knitting skills I'd like to work this year. Yeah . . . . Here's a preview of my 2010 project list (the things I could remember):

• "BFF B-Day, Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, New Year's, potentially V-Day, Purim, Wedding Anniversary, April Fool's Day, Memorial Day, Summer Solstice Socks." (Carried over from 2009)

• "Small Feet Socks"

• "The Husband Socks"

• Baby Blanket for friend's baby due on V-Day

• Attempt Clap - again (Carry over from 2009)

• Make overlay for Cedar Chest (Carry over from 2009)

• Three's A Charm Sock Club

• Other Sock Club Socks - TBD soon!

• First Sweater

• Continue working and finish blankie

• Socks for mom (projected future promises)

• Learn to knit socks on two circs

• Learn to knit two socks at one time

• Learn to knit toe up socks

• Misc knitting swaps

What do you think?

Until later . . .


The Remaining 363 Days

Tomorrow afternoon I am reintroduced to that scary world called reality. At this point in time I am enjoying my last couple of hours of "freedom."

Seriously, it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. It's just that the past two days have been really nice. Lots of laughs, relaxation, happy things and thoughts. So much so that when some drama tried to creep its way into my life this morning I simply said, "No thank you" and looked the other way.

All this pleasantness got me thinking . . . If I keep this pleasant mindset going would it make the remaining 363 days of 2010 (or at least a majority of them) happy ones? I guess we shall see! Like The Little Engine That Could I plan to keep thinking, "I think I can. I think I can." Mindset is half the battle, right!? Which means, I guess, I have officially set a New Year's resolution - sorta - even though I didn't really want to set one. Oh well, it's all good!

Until later . . .




New Year!

May it be a healthy and happy one!!!!
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