

Over Committed

I have a tendency to over commit myself in many areas of my life. I believe I've talked from time-to-time about finding balance in my life. This tendency is part of that challenge. In an effort to stay a bit more organized, and on task, I made a list of projects and knitting skills I'd like to work this year. Yeah . . . . Here's a preview of my 2010 project list (the things I could remember):

• "BFF B-Day, Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, New Year's, potentially V-Day, Purim, Wedding Anniversary, April Fool's Day, Memorial Day, Summer Solstice Socks." (Carried over from 2009)

• "Small Feet Socks"

• "The Husband Socks"

• Baby Blanket for friend's baby due on V-Day

• Attempt Clap - again (Carry over from 2009)

• Make overlay for Cedar Chest (Carry over from 2009)

• Three's A Charm Sock Club

• Other Sock Club Socks - TBD soon!

• First Sweater

• Continue working and finish blankie

• Socks for mom (projected future promises)

• Learn to knit socks on two circs

• Learn to knit two socks at one time

• Learn to knit toe up socks

• Misc knitting swaps

What do you think?

Until later . . .

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