

Socktacular Saturday: Dead Froggie Walking

As I alluded to earlier this week, last weekend I had no time to blog. Why? Because I dedicate last weekend to making Death Socks for my sock wars target, Darth Purl.

OMG! What a process.

My plan of attack was to spend every waking moment knitting until my weapon was done. However, I knew I'd have to take breaks otherwise my spirit, and wrists, would be broken. So, my social calendar last weekend was carefully constructed such that I spent a majority of the time knitting yet still had a "life." Originally the plan was to go out Friday evening, even though the pattern was suppose to be released at 7PM CST, and start on my weapon early Saturday morning. Breaks would pop-up during the day and that evening I would allow myself another chance to be social. As much as I wanted to just sit and knit I knew it wasn't healthy on many levels to do so. Sunday would be the day to finish up.

What really happened . . .

Friday night's plans got rescheduled so I was able to start that evening. I didn't get far, but I started. Saturday I was up at the crack-ass of dawn to work said death socks. Later on in the morning a fellow warrior came over. We figured it would be nice to have some company during this marathon knitting experience. Realizing we couldn't be cooped up inside all day we eventually ventured out for food and a glimpse of the world that was taking place around us. Saturday night I went to a 40th b-day party. Thankfully there were other knitters there so I could be social AND knit. YAY! Once I got home Saturday evening, and wrote my blog post, I hunkered-down for, yes, more death sock knitting. I did this until early on into the morning. Alas, eventually had to sleep. Since my Friday plans had been rescheduled for Sunday I wasted no time working on the socks. I think at this point sock number one had been completed and I was casting on sock number two. Honestly, this is where I hit a wall with this endeavor. However, I persevered. The day basically consisted of knitting and watching the Jersey Shore marathon. (Man, I feel dirty for admitting I watched this show.) Sunday evening was spent once again relaxing and socializing. By the end of the "official" weekend I was almost halfway.

Remember that wall, it got a lot taller at that point.

Last but not least Monday was spent finishing up the death socks. Oh, what a fantastic moment that was! Afterward, I started snooping around the Sock Wars group on Rav and seeing what my assassin was up to and also what my target's situation was. That's when I learned of the "bigfoot" socks my target was in the process of making. Since I realized I was the next one to receive them and my friend had already dubbed her target as "bigfoot" I decided to start calling them "the Jolly Green Giant" socks. Honestly, I had mixed emotions about working on these big socks. Signs of the carpal tunnel I had in the later half of 2008 started showing up again and mentally I was just beat. However, the competitor in me wanted to be the one to kill the giant. Alas, my assassin has made it clear that my death socks are on their way. So, it looks like she is the one who will have take on this big kill.

This whole process has been a lot of fun. And, believe it or not, I have learned a lot about myself in the process. The top three:

• It is possible to function on Dark Chocolate Chex Mix and OJ.

• Playing hard rock while doing Yoga can be relaxing.

• Limitation exist and it's important to know what yours are.

On that note, I wish the remaining warriors standing the best of luck!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i should connect you with a friend of mine in NJ who loves "jersey shore." she'd be glad to discuss it with you. :)

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