


• After all the show and tell they are hers.

• "You don't make your husband hold the yarn for you?"

• Three's A Charm

• How many can I handle at one time?

• It really isn't what you think it is.

• There were half a dozen police cars gathered around - what was going on?

• It was as if they had a dossier on me.

• Step away from the refresh button.

• Her questions are very personal, but she asks them as if she's asking about the weather.

• A reality tv show I actually have learned something from. Who knew it was possible?

• What do you mean my account is temporarily unavailable?

• 80% chance it will happen? That means there is still a 20% chance it won't.

• Breakout your spreadsheets people! She's trying to make a decision.

• Next time she needs to press the brake, not the acceleration pedal.

Until later . . .

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