

Almost There

Every time I have a cold I go through a similar process. Since nothing tastes good I really don't eat much beyond soup. However, that doesn't stop me from craving other foods. The winter of 2003 I distinctly remember my craving being Thai food. I think I even made one of those boxed Pad Thai mixes once during this cravefest because it was on my mind so much. It was less then stellar. So, I spent the remainder of the time I was sick fantasizing about how yummy Thai food would be. Once I was feeling 100% I went out to a Thai restaurant for dinner. As good as the food was, it wasn't as good as I had made it to be in my mind.

The sun will be setting tonight around 7:20 PM. We're almost there. That is when it will once again be ok to eat bread. Life will be back to normal. I find the last hours to be the hardest. Knowing you are so close, yet still not there. For anyone who thinks this is easy to do, I challenge you to try it.

Keeping Passover this year has been harder than the last two. I liken it to having a cold. I know what I have to do to get through the eight days and I know why I am doing it, however, that doesn't mean there aren't cravings.

Like when I have a cold I am acutely aware of the forbidden foods. This year I think it is mainly due to the fact that it disrupts some of my regular routines. (And if anyone was a creature of habit it's me.) These routines speak of are ones I really didn't know I had until I couldn't eat bread. For instance, one of the grocery stores I shop at puts out bakery samples as way to entice patrons to buy their treats. Under "normal" circumstances it is likely I would stop by and pick up such a tasting. However, when I was there yesterday I had to "just say no."

Do I really want these things THAT badly? Hmmm, not really. However, because I'm told I can't have them I want 'em even more. While talking to a friend I proposed that not having bread for eight days is somewhat like lent - except only eight day, not 40 days. They felt that was an extreme comparison. What I was trying to get across was that like lent you fast from something that brings you pleasure. In our case it's bread to honor the fact that the Israelites could not wait for the bread to raise. It was just an observation and I don't mean to make lent any less holy than it is. I just think it's interesting both celebrations are somewhat similar and fall at the same time yet it is not recognized as being so. (Or, at least that is my humble observation.)

One last thought . . . Instead of caving and giving into temptation, I've talked non-stop about how nice it would be to have a hamburger or a slice of pizza or . . . well, you get the point. To all those that have listened to my whining about this over the past eight days I send you a heartfelt - THANK YOU! At 7:20 PM tonight it will finally be done (for this year at least!).

Until later . . .

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