

Behind The Scenes

Over the past several weeks (maybe even months) I don't think I've really written about what is going on in my life. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing as I'm not you. I mean, if you're reading my blog your reading it for a reason and I would assume that one reason might be because you, for one reason or another, have a vested interest in my life. So, here are some of the things that have been going on this week:

• I entered a yarn naming contest - twice actually. I'm not anticipating I will win (there were 700 entries), but it was fun to think up names. If by some freak of nature I did win I couldn't imagine what I would do with $500 worth of yarn. Could you imagine that?

• I had AWESOME driving karma yesterday. I mean so amazing I had to call someone just to share the experience. It took me awhile to notice, but there I was driving on the highway and the roads infront of me were WIDE OPEN. Yes, I will repeat that again - WIDE OPEN. There was not a car to be seen. I was beginning to wonder if the whole highway was shut down, but that was not the case as I then looked in my rear-view mirror to find a pak of cars behind me. I'm not 100% sure how this happened, but it was as if someone had sent a memo letting everyone know I had been designated leader and when I would be making my way. A drive that "should take" and "normally takes" an hour without construction took only, at most, 30 minutes. As I said, I was so ecstatic I had to share with someone.

• This knitwear designer I know is putting together a web site to showcase her patterns. She was talking a week or two about about how she is stuck with writing the content for the site. I decided to jump into the conversation and next thing I know I was offering to take a stab at writing the content for said site. Last time I saw her we didn't have a chance to talk about it, but have since exchanged a few messages after she gifted me a download of one of her patterns. (Aside from the fact that I had downloaded all her free patterns, she noticed I added this one particular paid pattern to my favorites on Rav so she wanted to make sure I had a copy.) She hasn't forgotten about my offer and still wants to talk to me about helping her out. I'll let you know what happens with that.

• A friend of mine called me today and starts in on Oprah's war against talking/texting while driving. Apparently people were suppose to make the day a "No Phone Zone" day. My friend actually encouraged me to drive and text so we'd be going against Oprah.

• In case you didn't know - Rad and Swell are the new "it" words so make sure to integrate them into your vocabulary.

• One of the thing I currently love about my iPod is the pedometer. Yes, I realize this is a weird thing, but it give me an idea of how many steps I take during any given walk I take. Plus, it syncs with to track your progress - right now I'm working on scaling Mt. Fuji. (BTW - Does this mean I can mark it off the life "to do" list?) The other day I was talking to a coworker about this when she asked how many steps are you "suppose" to take each day. Honestly, I had no clue. So, like any other person these days I looked it up on-line. In case you were wondering - 10,000 steps is considered "active." Hmmm . . . I don't know. I sure seem to feel as though I've been active by the time I get home and I surely don't take 10,000 steps.

• One of my family members is going to hear Warren Buffet speak as part of a work thing. There might be the possibility of meeting him as well. When I heard this I was . . . well . . . Let's just say I was trying to figure out how I could take their place. Despite all that is going on wit Buffet and Goldman Sachs I still admire the man. He's an amazing businessman - for the most part. Later that day I was gushing about it to a friend when they said, "Who is he?" "Seriously!?" I thought to myself. Before I could explain they had looked him up online and said, "Oh, he's just some finance guy. It's not like he is a real celebrity." My snippy reply was something like, "Yeah, well, if it weren't for guys like him celebrities wouldn't have any money once their careers begin to tank."

Ok, that's all for now. I'm drained and it's time for sleep!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

very cool about the driving experience and the knitwear designer. :) i didn't know you liked warren buffet so much.

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