

Oh, The Places I've Gone (And Will Go)!

I was surprised by the gift. Apparently it is one that many people give recent grads. However, at the time I saw a graduation gift more along the lines of cash . . . ummm . . . ok, cash . . .

Instead of getting cash for graduation, I got a copy of the book, "Oh, the Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss. Not to seem like a special kind of unappreciative, but in my defense I was only 18 at the time and I honestly didn't see why I would find a children's book interesting or for that matter useful. However, instead of showing the disappointment on my face I did the right thing. I smiled and thanked the gift giver and went on my way. At some point soon after I "may" have looked at it, but I would place my money on the latter and not the former.

Fast-forwarding many years later . . . I've "maybe" pulled out this book to look at two or three times as I was packing my things during one of my many moves. Yep, that's right. This high school graduation gift that I was so upset about has moved around with me all these years. The irony is that I'm sure anything I bought with cash I had received from that event in my life is more than likely long gone. (Funny how that works out!)

When Shara @ Desperate Madness asked us to write about our absolute favorite book, I can't say this particular one I speak of came to the forefront of my mind. Actually, what really came to the forefront of my mind was "Oh Shit! I'm not a die-hard reader like the rest of them. What am I going to write about?" So, as I also do, I'm putting my own special spin on the topic.

The below is a link to an audio/visual reading of "Oh, the Places You'll Go." If you have about 7 minutes to spare I encourage you to play the video.

Whether you've taken the time to play the video or not, here is why I'm writing about it . . .

All these years later, now that I have "several" years of life experience behind me, I get why that person gave me the book as a high school graduation present. This "children's book," I so quickly wrote-off, is really a book for young adults.

It's a book about the ups, the down and the times in your life when things get all turned around. It's about confusion and waiting and loneliness too. About being resilient when you don't want too. It's about decisions that aren't always clear. It's about escaping - whether it be far or near. It's about the people you'll meet along the way.

And . . . At the end of the day, I have to say, what I feel this book is really about is finding your way.

I plan to hold on to it throughout my life as a reminder of what life is (and isn't) because I feel, and know, it is often so easy to forget about the very basics of this adventure (journey) we are all on.

Until later . . .


Now that I have given you my two cents on one of my favorite books, please read about what my fellow bloggers have to say about their favorite books:

Mel @ Me!!!
Jenn@ Charmingly Random
Shara @ Desperate Madness

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i liked this post. i didn't expect you to pick this book. i don't know why, but it's just one that's out there that most people don't give much thought to. i own a copy that i got for college graduation from my ex-bf's family. so it has a weird place in my life because it was a nice book and i wanted to keep it. it's now in my older son's room and he likes hearing it sometimes. i haven't read it since i received it 11 years ago.

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