

"Spring"ing Forward - Once Again!

I've decided Monday is the new Thursday (at least this week it is).

For our Thursday post I asked my fellow bloggers to talk about their favorite season.

For me that season is Spring and Summer.

To me these are seasons of change. I know that is cliché to say, but it's true. Or, that is at the very least what my experience has been over the past two years. By the time Fall rears it's head, I am taking a new life path. The only thing about this change I speak of is that I never really know what it is or the impact it will have on my life until the season is long gone.

I went into Spring 2008 a mess.

As I made my way through the rubble of my life implosion I often wondered what it would take to regain any sense of direction again. Little did I know my trip to Boston would provide exactly that.

It's not a secret that it was Bostonian's advice to me during that trip that set me in a new direction and towards change. After returning home the main goal was to do whatever I could to distract myself from the bad that was happening. And, my actions did serve that purpose. However, it was also the beginning of coming out of self-imposed prison and rejoining the world everyone else had been enjoying.

Most people I knew were shocked by my decision.

That was, they expected my to move closer to where my family was living. Instead, I decided to take a chance. I felt that I needed to build a life that was mine - and only mine. So, I stayed in the hood per say. For about the first six months I'd say I questioned my decision often. I spent a lot of time wondering if I would every feel like this place was "home." Hell, I didn't even know what home was anymore. I just knew I wanted to feel that feeling again.

Last Spring I began to find home again. There are several things that I attribute this to, but like my epiphany about Spring 2008 it took me a whole year to figure out that I had found home in what use to the be unfamiliar and least likely places.

It's about heading in a new direction.

Or, at least that is what I think this Spring and Summer will be about. I could be TOTALLY off base, but that is what my gut and "signs" tell me at the moment. Even the path I take for my daily walks won't allow me to head toward the past. This year I've been forced to head in a new direction. Literally!

It's a change I welcome with open arms.

Until later . . .


Now that I have shared my thoughts on my favorite season, I encourage you to read what my blogging sisters have to say about their favorite seasons.

Jenn @ Charmingly Random

Mel @ Me!!!

Shara @ Desperate Madness

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