

Some of the Sites Around Town - Part Two

By now you may have the impression that I have something against Millennium Park. Once upon a time this might have been the case, but it isn't anymore. Actually, I've spent my fair share of time there this summer. What I do have something against is taking what I deem "touristy" pictures when I am in fact not a tourist. Ok . . . ok . . . maybe I'm a bit of a tourist. I just feel pictures of the infamous bean and the fountain at MP are shots almost everyone and their sister have taken. Especially the shot of themselves taking pictures of the bean. Like this one . . .

Ok, it's not blatantly obvious were I am. The blatantly obvious ones I saved for Facebook. However, I think you get the point. Personally, aside from hanging with a friend of mine at the pavilion, one of my favorite things to do this summer was this . . .

Soaking my feet in the cool fountain water was nice while waiting for said friend. Yes, maybe a bit silly and childish, but it definitely helped me beat the otherwise humid, hot days. Actually, periodically I found myself envious of the kids running and splashing around in their bathing suits.

There are two MP related pics to share. The first, my favorite piece of art work that graces the grounds -

As much as I find beauty in simplicity, there is something about the appeal of abstract art I can't deny. The second picture is this . . . I know it seems like just a normal building and you would ask yourself what is so special about this? Well, what is special about it to me happens at sunset. In early August, I was at MP during sunset and I happened to glance at this building. The way the fiery colors of the sunset hit the golden peak of this building was breath-taking. It may seem cheesy to read that description, but it's true. I may have to hang around one evening to see if I can capture that site as well.

The remaining shots are things that caught my eye for one reason or another . . .

This gentleman played the violin so eloquently. Made me a bit regretful I quit my violin lessons in fourth grade.

First and foremost, I took this because of S. I know how much she LOVES the L tracks and even more so driving under them. (I believe it's her FAVORITE thing to do in the whole wide world). Secondly, there was just some ascetic appeal to it for me.

I'm not necessarily sure what caught my eye about this one. It's not like I don't see enough "one way" signs in my own hood. Maybe it is the fact that I took this picture while I was walking. Or maybe it had to do with my experience driving one way, downtown street in the wee early hours of the morning what now seems like many lifetimes ago. That was before I had a GPS or had any sense of direction in the downtown area. Did I mention I passed a cop car on this little adventure? Apparently driving the wrong direction in the middle of the night is par-for-the-course because I didn't get pulled over for said offense. Or, maybe (s)he could sense my car was a suburban car which gave me a free pass. Who knows, but I was grateful.

Compliments of The Shedd Aquarium.

And this one as well ->

On that note . . . Until later . . .
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