

Update On That Blankie Project Thing

With all the socks I seem to be cranking out and lack of blankie updates one might begin to wonder if I've case it aside. The answer - nope. I'm just not working on it as much so the changes aren't as significant as they were back in, say, the beginning of the year. Since this is the cast here are some questions I've been getting from folks lately

Have I met the the 736 square mark?

Yep, and then some. I haven't counted in a few weeks so I don't have an exact number. However, I can say with 100% confidence I'm past 736.

As I've mentioned in prior posts, I've opted to increase the length of blankie that is why I can't move on to phase two right now.

Any current photos?

I'm trying to figure out how to take a picture of it. It's not like the "old days" when I could just stick it on my ottoman or dining room table. I guess I "could" drape it on my bed (you know where I intend to keep it once it's done) and attempt to photograph it there - but that seems to practical. At least for me.

Still bringing it along with you to knit group?

Most of the time, but not as often as I use too. This is mainly due to the fact that I'm not solely working on this project. Actually if I bring two projects with me I actually have a tendency to work on the other one and not blankie. Also, this thing is getting a bit heavy! One of these days I'm going to weigh it just for kicks. Every time it rolls-up I feel like it's a sleeping bag. Not as long, but feeling just as thick.

Do you miss swapping?

Yes! I've been helping a friend learn the swapping ropes so I am living vicariously through her swapping experiences. I'll also be helping her run her first swap soon.

Well, I believe that is all. Hopefully at the next update I'll have pictures to share.

Until later . . .

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