Guess I should look at a Dodge instead since a Ford 150. Obviously the 150 can't handle a yarn haul. . .
Just An Extra Quarter Inch
Sometime I feel as thought I need to find a way to grow taller. . .
I'm 5'2 and 3/4". Until last January I thought I was 5'2 1/2", however I went to the doctor that month and I was corrected. I took the extra quarter inch with no complaints (Yes, seriously! In my world every quarter inch of height counts). I only bring this up because from time-to-time I find myself in situations where an extra bit of height would have been helpful so it's on my mind - today is one of those days.
To compensate for my lack of height, and since they are super cute, I buy shoes that give me somewhat of a boost. So I guess I should clarify the above statement and say without shoes I'm 5'2 and 3/4". With shoes I am approximately between the heights of 5'3 1/2" and 5'6".
Recently, I was asked what my ideal height would be. Wow! I hadn't really thought about that since I knew I was the height I was and nothing was going to change that. After much consideration I decided my ideal height would be some where around 5'5"/5'6".
In all honesty, being short doesn't bother me as much as it might appear too. It's just when I have to start climbing on furniture, step stools, counters, standing on my tippy toes or jumpung up and down to see or to reach something that I start to wish I was taller.
At the end of the day, I do embrace the height I've been given and run with it. Anyhow, you know what they say - "Good things come in small packages!"

To compensate for my lack of height, and since they are super cute, I buy shoes that give me somewhat of a boost. So I guess I should clarify the above statement and say without shoes I'm 5'2 and 3/4". With shoes I am approximately between the heights of 5'3 1/2" and 5'6".
Recently, I was asked what my ideal height would be. Wow! I hadn't really thought about that since I knew I was the height I was and nothing was going to change that. After much consideration I decided my ideal height would be some where around 5'5"/5'6".
In all honesty, being short doesn't bother me as much as it might appear too. It's just when I have to start climbing on furniture, step stools, counters, standing on my tippy toes or jumpung up and down to see or to reach something that I start to wish I was taller.
At the end of the day, I do embrace the height I've been given and run with it. Anyhow, you know what they say - "Good things come in small packages!"
Due To The Economic Downturn, My Two Cents Is Now Worth A Penny
I have an opinion on a lot of things and in most situations I'm not shy about sharing that opinion. There has been no greater example of this than the past couple weeks. Anyone who has interacted with me can tell you I've been more than happy to provide my two cents on whatever topic they wish to discuss. It's not a bad thing necessarily, but what I find most humorous about all this is the way I've gone about providing these opinions and how my approach has changed. At first I was, for lack of a better way to
phrase it, sugar-coating everything. Wordsmithing everything so it was easier to digest. Within the last week, I've just been telling it like I see it - no sugar involved. Either way I think is fine. I actually get a laugh here and there when the sugar-coating is taking place. I find it entertaining the way things are phrased sometimes. Maybe it's my PR background, who knows...
After a day of spreading my thoughts on anything and everything, I got home tonight and took a bunch of pictures of projects I've completed and one that is going to be frogged soon. So without further ado:

This is the Froggie-size "B" hat

The Karaoke Cable Scarf that was suppose to go with it, but due to insufficient yardage will not be included with this year's gift to the STBT.
Last, but not least . . .

The full-size "B" hat for one of my coworker.
With all these hats completed I was just thinking how I'd love to get another pair of socks on needles. Then I received the following e-mail from my sock club:
"Below is the Delivery Confirmation number you need to determine the delivery status of your package."
WooHoo! I guess it's one of those ask and you shall receive kind of things. (Now if I can only make this work with the lottery) Now I have two packages on the way to my doorstep. My BFF was nice enough to send me a care package that was apparently in route to me for close to 10 days before they realized it had been misrouted. Now the official word on that package is, "Your item was misrouted. The error has been corrected and every effort is being made to deliver it as soon as possible. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later."
Now I guess it's just a race to see which one gets here first... Will it be the yarn or the care package? I'll keep you posted!

After a day of spreading my thoughts on anything and everything, I got home tonight and took a bunch of pictures of projects I've completed and one that is going to be frogged soon. So without further ado:
This is the Froggie-size "B" hat

The Karaoke Cable Scarf that was suppose to go with it, but due to insufficient yardage will not be included with this year's gift to the STBT.
Last, but not least . . .
The full-size "B" hat for one of my coworker.
With all these hats completed I was just thinking how I'd love to get another pair of socks on needles. Then I received the following e-mail from my sock club:
"Below is the Delivery Confirmation number you need to determine the delivery status of your package."
WooHoo! I guess it's one of those ask and you shall receive kind of things. (Now if I can only make this work with the lottery) Now I have two packages on the way to my doorstep. My BFF was nice enough to send me a care package that was apparently in route to me for close to 10 days before they realized it had been misrouted. Now the official word on that package is, "Your item was misrouted. The error has been corrected and every effort is being made to deliver it as soon as possible. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later."
Now I guess it's just a race to see which one gets here first... Will it be the yarn or the care package? I'll keep you posted!
The Sun, The Moon and The Stars All in Alignment
If I had a dollar for every time in the past year that I uttered the phrase, "If the sun, the moon and the stars all fall into alignment perfectly then maybe I'll consider it," I would be super rich. Unfortunately, I was using the reference in a negative manner. It was my way to avoid answering unpleasant questions - or one question in particular that I just didn't have the answer too.
Months after I started using the phrase, I discovered yarn karma. The good kind of yarn karma where the sun, the moon and the stars were aligned just perfectly to create the perfecting color pooling for a project I was working on. Wow! I could actually use that phrase to describe something good - who knew!?
This weekend, I had another sun, moon, stars experience . . .
Had one of the people I was hanging out with at the bookstore not left their keys on the table I wouldn't have stayed there as long as I had. After taking a lap around the store to see if I could find this person I got back to our table to find out they had shown up right after I left. Had I not been trying to pull all my stuff together and trying to find my keys after I gave back the other keys to their owner I would have been out the door sooner. All these delays led me to bumping into another friend of mine. One I hadn't seen or talked to in awhile. We were both hungry so we grabbed a quick bite and caught up.
I guess you can call all this fate -- I'll just say the sun, the moon and the stars were all in alignment.
Months after I started using the phrase, I discovered yarn karma. The good kind of yarn karma where the sun, the moon and the stars were aligned just perfectly to create the perfecting color pooling for a project I was working on. Wow! I could actually use that phrase to describe something good - who knew!?
This weekend, I had another sun, moon, stars experience . . .
Had one of the people I was hanging out with at the bookstore not left their keys on the table I wouldn't have stayed there as long as I had. After taking a lap around the store to see if I could find this person I got back to our table to find out they had shown up right after I left. Had I not been trying to pull all my stuff together and trying to find my keys after I gave back the other keys to their owner I would have been out the door sooner. All these delays led me to bumping into another friend of mine. One I hadn't seen or talked to in awhile. We were both hungry so we grabbed a quick bite and caught up.
I guess you can call all this fate -- I'll just say the sun, the moon and the stars were all in alignment.
We're Not Gossiping, We're Just Sharing Information
Earlier this week I was "informed" of some news about someone I use to know a long
time ago. They actually played a role in one of the significant events in my life so I'll always hold some interest in how they are doing and what they are up too. The "information" that was shared with me is unbelievable, yet I can believe that they actually did this. After this "information" was shared with me one of the first things I thought of was how someone else I knew - once upon a time - would probably LOVE to hear about this one (at least I think they would). They too would find it unbelievable, yet in character. One little snag - I don't speak to them anymore either. So, I don't talk to the person the "information" is about and I don't talk to the person I want to share the "information" with.... SIGH.... I guess in the end it's a good thing I can't pass on this "information." Gossiping... Oh, I mean "sharing information" about others is a bad thing.
Several years back I use to belong to a online mentoring web site for my given profession. Every Friday there was a thread titled "3 Good Things." I loved this thread because it forced me to step-back and think of at least 3 good things that had happened to me that week and it would help me realize the week wasn't as bad as it might have seemed. Needless to say, some weeks were easier than others. I think with all the bad things going on around us people need to think of their "3 Things" as often as they can.
Since it's Friday, I'll post mine here:
1) It was a short work week for me.
2) I got a good performance evaluation at work.
3) I've begun to contemplate my vacation plans for 2009 . . . .
After reviewing the YouTube video on knitting cables and receiving moral support from my knitting peeps I began to make the Karaoke Cable Scarf that will go with the "Froggie size B" hat for the STBT. Now my only concern is whether or not I'll have enough yarn for a decent length scarf. It's for a child so it can't be too long, but definitely not short. Hmmm. . .
One last thought on cables -- > To quote eldashwood when I mentioned I was venturing into the world of cables: "Welcome to the dark side."
Until later. . .

Several years back I use to belong to a online mentoring web site for my given profession. Every Friday there was a thread titled "3 Good Things." I loved this thread because it forced me to step-back and think of at least 3 good things that had happened to me that week and it would help me realize the week wasn't as bad as it might have seemed. Needless to say, some weeks were easier than others. I think with all the bad things going on around us people need to think of their "3 Things" as often as they can.
Since it's Friday, I'll post mine here:
1) It was a short work week for me.
2) I got a good performance evaluation at work.
3) I've begun to contemplate my vacation plans for 2009 . . . .
After reviewing the YouTube video on knitting cables and receiving moral support from my knitting peeps I began to make the Karaoke Cable Scarf that will go with the "Froggie size B" hat for the STBT. Now my only concern is whether or not I'll have enough yarn for a decent length scarf. It's for a child so it can't be too long, but definitely not short. Hmmm. . .
One last thought on cables -- > To quote eldashwood when I mentioned I was venturing into the world of cables: "Welcome to the dark side."
Until later. . .
Meeting Coordination Is My Cardio
I enjoy coordinating meetings, there is no doubt about that. However, I realized as I was preparing for my last big meeting that it's on meeting days, about 30 minutes to an hour beforehand, that I tend to get more cardio in then I do on other days at the office. The reason why . . .Running back and forth from the meeting room to my office, and back, at least 20 times. The best part about all this running back and forth is that it's on meeting days that I make sure I'm wearing a nice pair of heels. So all my running back and forth is done in a pair of shoes that are not as comfortable as they could be.
The "Froggie-size Brangelina" hat for my favorite soon-to-be toddler (STBT) is done - at least the first one is.
I was at the store yesterday getting a cable needle (Yes, the tally for knitting related purchases in 2009 has begun) for the scarf I'm making to match. As I left the aisle that houses the array of knitting needles I glanced at one of the end-cap displays only to find the color yarn I really wanted to get when I was there earlier in the week (I swear they didn't have that color just a few days ago). How could I not get it!? The minute my eyes caught sight of it I knew the STBT's little face would light up with a huge grin when they opened the box. (What can I say!? I melt when I see this kiddo's face)
So, instead of just one hat and one scarf I will be making two of each. Not to worry! The first one knitted up really fast once I determined how many stitches I needed to decrease the pattern in order to make it toddler size.
I have to say the Brangelina hat is a big hit amongst my friends and family - and total strangers as well. I have never gotten so many compliments on a hat as I do when I wear my "B" hat. After I finish making these items for the STBT I will be making a "B" hat for one of my coworkers because they liked it so much as well. This is another one of the belated holiday gifts on my list to finish.
As I mentioned above, I got a cable needle last night. This is my first time attempting cables. Before I attempt to actually make the scarf I need to review the YouTube video I found on knitting cables. It looked easy, but I want to make sure I have it down correctly before I start down that road. And yes, YouTube is a great source for videos on most, if not all, knitting techniques.
The last thing on my mind right now is that the saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
How true! I have listed out all the packages I need to ship out as the result of either a swap or gifts for others not in my immediate area. My heart is in the right place, but my ability to get to the post office in a timely manner hasn't quiet caught up.
Until later . . .
The "Froggie-size Brangelina" hat for my favorite soon-to-be toddler (STBT) is done - at least the first one is.
I was at the store yesterday getting a cable needle (Yes, the tally for knitting related purchases in 2009 has begun) for the scarf I'm making to match. As I left the aisle that houses the array of knitting needles I glanced at one of the end-cap displays only to find the color yarn I really wanted to get when I was there earlier in the week (I swear they didn't have that color just a few days ago). How could I not get it!? The minute my eyes caught sight of it I knew the STBT's little face would light up with a huge grin when they opened the box. (What can I say!? I melt when I see this kiddo's face)
So, instead of just one hat and one scarf I will be making two of each. Not to worry! The first one knitted up really fast once I determined how many stitches I needed to decrease the pattern in order to make it toddler size.
I have to say the Brangelina hat is a big hit amongst my friends and family - and total strangers as well. I have never gotten so many compliments on a hat as I do when I wear my "B" hat. After I finish making these items for the STBT I will be making a "B" hat for one of my coworkers because they liked it so much as well. This is another one of the belated holiday gifts on my list to finish.
As I mentioned above, I got a cable needle last night. This is my first time attempting cables. Before I attempt to actually make the scarf I need to review the YouTube video I found on knitting cables. It looked easy, but I want to make sure I have it down correctly before I start down that road. And yes, YouTube is a great source for videos on most, if not all, knitting techniques.
The last thing on my mind right now is that the saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
How true! I have listed out all the packages I need to ship out as the result of either a swap or gifts for others not in my immediate area. My heart is in the right place, but my ability to get to the post office in a timely manner hasn't quiet caught up.
Until later . . .
Another Blog To Keep Up With
Every year I buy myself a birthday/Hanukkah present - something I normally wouldn't get myself. Now some thought that present would be a digital slr however that isn't the case. Since I had been talking about the slr for months on end (since late April to be exact) it was more a matter of when I was going to purchase one versus if I was going to purchase one. The main delay centered around what kind of slr to purchase.
Instead, I bought myself a sock club membership (something only knitters can appreciate). Along with the awesome sock yarn, patterns and extra goodies, member of my sock club also have an exclusive blog for which we just got access too. This got me thinking... when will I have time to blog somewhere else? It will sure be interesting to find out. Also, now that I have all this great sock yarn heading my way will I knit anything else besides socks this year? Remember, I only work on one project at a time. This may force me to break my monogamous ways - at least when it comes to knitting.
As I always say, only time will tell. . .
Until later. . .
Instead, I bought myself a sock club membership (something only knitters can appreciate). Along with the awesome sock yarn, patterns and extra goodies, member of my sock club also have an exclusive blog for which we just got access too. This got me thinking... when will I have time to blog somewhere else? It will sure be interesting to find out. Also, now that I have all this great sock yarn heading my way will I knit anything else besides socks this year? Remember, I only work on one project at a time. This may force me to break my monogamous ways - at least when it comes to knitting.
As I always say, only time will tell. . .
Until later. . .
History Was Made
I have debated long and hard as to whether or not I was going to blog about today's big event. The main reason for my hesitation - because everyone and their sister is writing about this as well. However, it was a big day so I'll acknowledge it in my own way.
I was so intent on watching the inauguration I made sure to block the time off on my calendar so I wouldn't forget or otherwise get involved in something that prevented me form going to our employee lounge to watch the broadcast.
When I saw the shot of the crowds that had gathered for this momentous occasion there was a part of me that wished I had actually taken the trip to D.C. as I had considered a few months back, but alas I didn't and I was content watching it with my coworkers.
It was a very humbling occasion. I thought President Obama's speech was perfect.
Because I'm the uber-dork that I am I took pictures while watching the event. Here are just a few:

I'm sure the dust will settle quickly for this administration and they will be getting to work very quickly.
That's all for now - on this topic at least!
I was so intent on watching the inauguration I made sure to block the time off on my calendar so I wouldn't forget or otherwise get involved in something that prevented me form going to our employee lounge to watch the broadcast.
When I saw the shot of the crowds that had gathered for this momentous occasion there was a part of me that wished I had actually taken the trip to D.C. as I had considered a few months back, but alas I didn't and I was content watching it with my coworkers.
It was a very humbling occasion. I thought President Obama's speech was perfect.
Because I'm the uber-dork that I am I took pictures while watching the event. Here are just a few:
I'm sure the dust will settle quickly for this administration and they will be getting to work very quickly.
That's all for now - on this topic at least!
To Quote Ray Charles. . . (Somewhat)
Hit the road George! And don't you come around here no more, no more, no more, no more!!!
The Rule of Three
They say, whether good or bad, things come in threes.
As I go through life and things happen to me - or in the world around me - it seems apparent the rule of three is one you can usually count on.
This week, the rule of threes is in full play. The first three days mark the recognition of three significant events or "mile markers" as I like to call it. Two of these three will be celebrated throughout our country. The third I speak of is one that is personal, but nonetheless important.
Consequently, these three things not only fall during the same week in January, but during the first three days of the week. . . one after another after another. Lastly, they all embody the concept of change and represent hope for the future.
Monday, January 19, 2009:
Today, we recognized the contributions that Martin Luther King, Jr. made in our country. For some, today was just another day off from work or school because it was a federal holiday. For others just another day in a string of many days because they didn't get the day off. Then there are those, whether they get the day off or not, that don't look at this day as just another federal holiday. Today is the day they honor Dr. King because his contribution have given them the opportunity to have a better life.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Outside of any extenuating circumstance, the US Constitution mandates that on the 20th day of January after a presidential election has taken place, the President-Elect will be sworn into office. The main purpose was for this amendment to the Constitution was to reduce the time between the election of the president and his term. (The 20th amendment took effect on October 15, 1933.)
Tomorrow, January 20, 2009, not only will 44th President of the United States of America be sworn into office, but our country will also make history by swearing in the first African American President.
In addition to this historic fact and change for our country, President-elect Obama also takes on the role of President during these challenging times and is expect to put into motion the necessary actions to bring this country back to a stable and prosperous state. It is a lofty undertaking and one that embodies hope for the future.
Wednesday, January 22, 2009
On this matter I wouldn't even know where to start.
At the end of the day, change is inevitable. With that change can come hope. However, in order to recognize all this it is sometimes necessary to look back even if we don't want too in order to realize how far forward we really have come.
On that note, I will say farewell. . .
As I go through life and things happen to me - or in the world around me - it seems apparent the rule of three is one you can usually count on.
This week, the rule of threes is in full play. The first three days mark the recognition of three significant events or "mile markers" as I like to call it. Two of these three will be celebrated throughout our country. The third I speak of is one that is personal, but nonetheless important.
Consequently, these three things not only fall during the same week in January, but during the first three days of the week. . . one after another after another. Lastly, they all embody the concept of change and represent hope for the future.
Monday, January 19, 2009:
Today, we recognized the contributions that Martin Luther King, Jr. made in our country. For some, today was just another day off from work or school because it was a federal holiday. For others just another day in a string of many days because they didn't get the day off. Then there are those, whether they get the day off or not, that don't look at this day as just another federal holiday. Today is the day they honor Dr. King because his contribution have given them the opportunity to have a better life.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Outside of any extenuating circumstance, the US Constitution mandates that on the 20th day of January after a presidential election has taken place, the President-Elect will be sworn into office. The main purpose was for this amendment to the Constitution was to reduce the time between the election of the president and his term. (The 20th amendment took effect on October 15, 1933.)
Tomorrow, January 20, 2009, not only will 44th President of the United States of America be sworn into office, but our country will also make history by swearing in the first African American President.
In addition to this historic fact and change for our country, President-elect Obama also takes on the role of President during these challenging times and is expect to put into motion the necessary actions to bring this country back to a stable and prosperous state. It is a lofty undertaking and one that embodies hope for the future.
Wednesday, January 22, 2009
On this matter I wouldn't even know where to start.
At the end of the day, change is inevitable. With that change can come hope. However, in order to recognize all this it is sometimes necessary to look back even if we don't want too in order to realize how far forward we really have come.
On that note, I will say farewell. . .
They're Finished!!!
After many months of planning to make them and two weeks of second sock drama my mom's socks are finished! As soon as I block them I will take pictures and post them. I was just so happy they're done, and are the same length, that I had to make mention of it.
All this just around the same time my first sock club package is going to be shipped. All said and done, I should have another pair of socks on needles in the very near future, but first I have to get started on a few items for my favorite soon-to-be toddler.
Until later. . .
All this just around the same time my first sock club package is going to be shipped. All said and done, I should have another pair of socks on needles in the very near future, but first I have to get started on a few items for my favorite soon-to-be toddler.
Until later. . .
The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round
It's been a full week and there has not been a lack of lessons learned throughout the past days. . .
Legal Addictive Stimulants
My week started out with the realization that I am not as strong as I would like to believe I am when it comes to the draw of coffee. What is usually a first class ticket to super hyper activity for me now has the potential to become a new addiction.
Thoughts of getting a coffee maker have even started to penetrate my mind. (This is not a good thing) A family member's comment further aided this infiltration of the coffee kind. They said that if I were to get a coffee maker than I would get to experience better quality coffee and truly appreciate it.
NO! That is not what I want... Must not cave into the temptation!
New Career Path?
Mid-week I discovered if for some reason I wanted to take my career in a different direction I would have a promising career as a locksmith.
Math is Fun!
As I proudly declared earlier this week, I do not suck at math after all. WooHoo!
I have to say I was glad that I shared this revaluation with my mom in person and not over the phone - the expression on her face was priceless.
Scheduling Is Everything
Before scheduling an appointment for first thing in the morning, check to see if it is a day your office is closed. Otherwise, you will end up waking up early on your day off and the fact that you can "sleep-in" is completely blown to pieces.
Karma - The Yarn Kind
I used to think that yarn karma was a bad thing. However, I've realized like any kind of karma, yarn karma can be a good thing too.
It's Just Part of the Gig
Knitting is just another activity where creative problem solving is important.

More It's Just Part of the Gig
Knitters swear - a lot! Ok, maybe I didn't just realize this, but I surely was reminded of it this week.
Until later. . .
Legal Addictive Stimulants
My week started out with the realization that I am not as strong as I would like to believe I am when it comes to the draw of coffee. What is usually a first class ticket to super hyper activity for me now has the potential to become a new addiction.
Thoughts of getting a coffee maker have even started to penetrate my mind. (This is not a good thing) A family member's comment further aided this infiltration of the coffee kind. They said that if I were to get a coffee maker than I would get to experience better quality coffee and truly appreciate it.
NO! That is not what I want... Must not cave into the temptation!
New Career Path?
Mid-week I discovered if for some reason I wanted to take my career in a different direction I would have a promising career as a locksmith.
Math is Fun!
As I proudly declared earlier this week, I do not suck at math after all. WooHoo!
I have to say I was glad that I shared this revaluation with my mom in person and not over the phone - the expression on her face was priceless.
Scheduling Is Everything
Before scheduling an appointment for first thing in the morning, check to see if it is a day your office is closed. Otherwise, you will end up waking up early on your day off and the fact that you can "sleep-in" is completely blown to pieces.
Karma - The Yarn Kind
I used to think that yarn karma was a bad thing. However, I've realized like any kind of karma, yarn karma can be a good thing too.
It's Just Part of the Gig
Knitting is just another activity where creative problem solving is important.

More It's Just Part of the Gig
Knitters swear - a lot! Ok, maybe I didn't just realize this, but I surely was reminded of it this week.
Until later. . .
Technical Stop Gap
It was the Fall of 1994 when I got my first e-mail address. As usual I was way behind the curve and it took my best friend asking me if I had an e-mail address for me to even know what an e-mail address was.
My BFF (yes, we actually did call one another this well before Paris Hilton even thought about making it one of her signature phrases) and I attended school about 1000 miles apart from one another and religiously took turns each month calling the other. In between our monthly calls, we would write letters to each other - I mean real pen and paper, don't forget the stamp, letters. During one of these monthly calls my BFF mentioned they had gotten an e-mail address through their school and asked if I had one as well. I believe the conversation went something like this:
Froggie's BFF: I got an e-mail address the other day through school. Do you have one yet?
Froggie: E-mail address? What is an e-mail address?
Froggie's BFF: It's a way you can send messages through the computer. You haven't heard of it?
Froggie: Really!? That sounds cool. I'll have to find out if I can get one the next time I'm on campus.
So, I did just that. I can still picture the barren hallway I had to walk through to get to the room where I could sign up for an e-mail account. I don't know if they called it the "IT Department" back then, but whatever it was called I felt badly for them because they were housed in the middle of nowhere. After showing the guy my school ID he gave me all the information I would needed to log into the system. The program they used was called Pine. That was "the" program to use back then. Ah yes, the stark white screen with bland black lettering. The visual appeal was lacking, but the program itself was great for its time.
Those were the days. . . .
Fast forward about 14 years or so. Today life without e-mail would be unheard of. It would be like going without food. My friends endlessly tease me because I have multiple e-mail accounts - as if I'm the only one. These days, I take for granted the fact that I can "shoot" off a message to family and friends all over the country - or the world for that matter - and anticipate a prompt reply. These days, it takes me days on end to get a "real letter" in the mail if I absolutely must.
I guess I'm just amazed at where technology has taken society and changed our expectations . . . and I'm just talking about e-mail. I could go on and on about other technology related things, but this is where I will stop for now.
Until later. . .
My BFF (yes, we actually did call one another this well before Paris Hilton even thought about making it one of her signature phrases) and I attended school about 1000 miles apart from one another and religiously took turns each month calling the other. In between our monthly calls, we would write letters to each other - I mean real pen and paper, don't forget the stamp, letters. During one of these monthly calls my BFF mentioned they had gotten an e-mail address through their school and asked if I had one as well. I believe the conversation went something like this:
Froggie's BFF: I got an e-mail address the other day through school. Do you have one yet?
Froggie: E-mail address? What is an e-mail address?
Froggie's BFF: It's a way you can send messages through the computer. You haven't heard of it?
Froggie: Really!? That sounds cool. I'll have to find out if I can get one the next time I'm on campus.
So, I did just that. I can still picture the barren hallway I had to walk through to get to the room where I could sign up for an e-mail account. I don't know if they called it the "IT Department" back then, but whatever it was called I felt badly for them because they were housed in the middle of nowhere. After showing the guy my school ID he gave me all the information I would needed to log into the system. The program they used was called Pine. That was "the" program to use back then. Ah yes, the stark white screen with bland black lettering. The visual appeal was lacking, but the program itself was great for its time.
Those were the days. . . .
Fast forward about 14 years or so. Today life without e-mail would be unheard of. It would be like going without food. My friends endlessly tease me because I have multiple e-mail accounts - as if I'm the only one. These days, I take for granted the fact that I can "shoot" off a message to family and friends all over the country - or the world for that matter - and anticipate a prompt reply. These days, it takes me days on end to get a "real letter" in the mail if I absolutely must.
I guess I'm just amazed at where technology has taken society and changed our expectations . . . and I'm just talking about e-mail. I could go on and on about other technology related things, but this is where I will stop for now.
Until later. . .
Another Lost Card
I no longer have any worries about losing my girl card. Not only have I "redeemed" myself, but I am now eligible for platinum membership.
Just as I attain this new level of girl status, I learn I am in jeopardy of losing my mid-west residency card (if it's not one thing it's another). This news was delivered to me the other day during a conversation I was having with someone about the extreme cold and snowy weather we are currently experiencing.
Apparently my "glass half full" approach to all these conditions is not acceptable mid-westerner behavior. I was informed that as a mid-westerner I'm expected to complain left and right about the snow and chill. I, however, can not bring myself to do so. My current mindset is simple at best - I live in the mid-west where winter weather conditions are expected from the months of November thru March (approximately).
I could complain about the 14 below temps, but it won't make it go away anytime soon - so I choose not too. Hopefully the powers that make the determination as to whether or not I qualify to be a mid-westerner will keep an open mind and consider my position on the matter.
In the meantime, these should help me stay somewhat warm whenever I am outside during this great chill. . . .

On that note, I will say farewell for now.
Just as I attain this new level of girl status, I learn I am in jeopardy of losing my mid-west residency card (if it's not one thing it's another). This news was delivered to me the other day during a conversation I was having with someone about the extreme cold and snowy weather we are currently experiencing.
Apparently my "glass half full" approach to all these conditions is not acceptable mid-westerner behavior. I was informed that as a mid-westerner I'm expected to complain left and right about the snow and chill. I, however, can not bring myself to do so. My current mindset is simple at best - I live in the mid-west where winter weather conditions are expected from the months of November thru March (approximately).
I could complain about the 14 below temps, but it won't make it go away anytime soon - so I choose not too. Hopefully the powers that make the determination as to whether or not I qualify to be a mid-westerner will keep an open mind and consider my position on the matter.
In the meantime, these should help me stay somewhat warm whenever I am outside during this great chill. . . .

On that note, I will say farewell for now.
Crunching Numbers
I'd like to amend a prior statement I made regarding my mathematical abilities.
This is to amend the comments made regarding my mathematical abilities as published on January 1, 2009 at 11:05 PM:
Said post originally stated that I "suck at math." However, since publication it has been proven to be a false statement. This revaluation comes as a surprise to both myself and those that know me well as it disproves a belief that has been held for many years.
On Monday, January 12, 2009, the following statistical concepts were applied, by me, to solve a real world work scenario:
* Standard Deviation
* Averages
* Margin of Error
* Bell Curves
The record should also note that the recommendation that were made based upon my mathematical findings were accepted by upper management and put into place for company wide distribution.
For those of you that aren't believers that stats has practical application in the "real world" I'm here to tell you, it does. Until this past Monday I felt the same way. However, for the first time - ok, maybe the second time - since I took stats about 14 years ago I actually was able to apply what I learned in stats class to real life. Who knew it was possible!?
In the end my main reason for sharing this is to say don't under estimate your abilities.
Recently I've developed a new addition to coffee. Normally, I only drink coffee when I'm dead tired on a given weekday morning and I need an extra boost. This has been the case for the past two day. However, this morning I was well rested and still found myself stalking all the coffee pots on my floor trying to find one that had some coffee already for me to partake in. (Bad sign) They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Since I don't have a coffee maker at home there is a good chance this won't become a full-blown coffee addition and may just fester itself at work. I guess, like other things, only time will tell.
Notable Quotes
". . . And I have to wave my hands like a crazy person." - Acquaintance commenting on the use of motion activate lighting in their office.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
Oh yes, the reason for this whole blog in the first place. . . knitting happens. Sometimes slowly, but it happens.
This past weekend I had to frog mom's second sock - again. Though I started the sock for a third time my enthusiasm towards the project began to waiver and I began to focus my energy on other non-knitting projects (like getting the digital-to-analog converter box for my tv set up). Once those projects seems to not work out as well as I had hoped, I gave up on those too. Eventually, I went back to the pattern for mom's sock to see where I was going wrong. It took awhile, but eventually the part of the pattern I was missing jumped right out at me. Though I am working on the second sock once again it seems to be going a tad slower than I hoped. My goal is to get it done by the end of this coming weekend as I need to begin a gift for my favorite soon-to-be toddler.
On that note, until later . . .
The Beauty of White
The first time I really realized how beautiful a snowfall is was last winter. It was early, early morning and I was standing on the platform at the train station waiting for my daily train. I wouldn't say it was super cold, but surely not t-shirt and shorts weather.
As I did daily, I tried to stay in the train station vestibule until the last possible moment, but as I did daily I inevitably left the vestibule earlier than need be so I could be one of the first people to get on the train and have my pick of seats. Or, as I had decided in my own mind - so I could get "my" seat.
Regardless, on this particular morning as I walked to the spot my regular car would be sure to stop at I glanced at the tracks that were to the right of me. It was at that very moment I realized how beautiful a snowfall could be.
There was something about the way the light from the street light illuminated the falling snow. It was the first thing, in what seemed like a long time, to give me a brief moment of calm and peace. I continued to stare at that same sight until my train came moments later. I don't know exactly how long I was doing that, but honestly it didn't matter.
Fast forward a year. It's almost mid-January and we've gotten a few decent snow falls already. Most people I know are cursing out the snow left and right. As I stare out my window and watch the snow float through the air I reflect back to a time when I too complained endlessly about the wet, white flakes. Instead, my thoughts start to drift back to that winter morning in early '08 and a smile graces my face.
With that in mind, it's time for me to get ready to run some errands.
Until later . . .
As I did daily, I tried to stay in the train station vestibule until the last possible moment, but as I did daily I inevitably left the vestibule earlier than need be so I could be one of the first people to get on the train and have my pick of seats. Or, as I had decided in my own mind - so I could get "my" seat.
Regardless, on this particular morning as I walked to the spot my regular car would be sure to stop at I glanced at the tracks that were to the right of me. It was at that very moment I realized how beautiful a snowfall could be.
There was something about the way the light from the street light illuminated the falling snow. It was the first thing, in what seemed like a long time, to give me a brief moment of calm and peace. I continued to stare at that same sight until my train came moments later. I don't know exactly how long I was doing that, but honestly it didn't matter.
Fast forward a year. It's almost mid-January and we've gotten a few decent snow falls already. Most people I know are cursing out the snow left and right. As I stare out my window and watch the snow float through the air I reflect back to a time when I too complained endlessly about the wet, white flakes. Instead, my thoughts start to drift back to that winter morning in early '08 and a smile graces my face.
With that in mind, it's time for me to get ready to run some errands.
Until later . . .
Frog This!
A few weeks back one of my knitting peeps mentioned on our group board she had a patterns for stuffed frog toys and would share them with whomever was interested in them. Needless to say I jumped right on that one. The next time I saw this individual she had forgotten the pattern. Fast forward a few weeks, I had forgotten the patterns were even offered to me.
It was the first time in weeks I had hung out with my knitting peeps and what's the first thing someone says to me?
Froggie's Knitting Peep: I have the patterns you wanted.
Froggie: Huh!? Oh, sweet!
It was then explained to me that there were several patterns. Mostly crochet patterns (which I wanted to learn how to do), but there was one knitting pattern. As I browsed through the patterns I saw the one pattern that was for knitters was the one I liked the most - double sweet!
Below is a pick of all the patterns. Just another project to add to the list - I can't wait!

Until later . . .
It was the first time in weeks I had hung out with my knitting peeps and what's the first thing someone says to me?
Froggie's Knitting Peep: I have the patterns you wanted.
Froggie: Huh!? Oh, sweet!
It was then explained to me that there were several patterns. Mostly crochet patterns (which I wanted to learn how to do), but there was one knitting pattern. As I browsed through the patterns I saw the one pattern that was for knitters was the one I liked the most - double sweet!
Below is a pick of all the patterns. Just another project to add to the list - I can't wait!

Until later . . .
Blackberry Withdrawal?
I posted about this once before and it appears our president-elect is sticking to his guns...
Obama Not Giving Up Blackberry.
Obama Not Giving Up Blackberry.
Experience Is What You Get When You Don't Get What You Want
And experience is what I got, once again.
This time it came in the form of a knitting experience. Honestly, I knew better than to do what I did, but there was a personal situation I was dealing with and it distracted me enough to forget to do just one little thing. That thing was to mark where in my 21 row repetition I was. Several hours later I picked up my project and that is when I had my "oh no" moment. I tried to do some math to figure out where I was, but when I got to the end (or at least what I thought was the end) of the repetition I realized that my math was incorrect. I tried back tracking to the beginning of the repetition, but that created even more headaches. In the end, I just frogged it all and moved forward.
Aside from mom's socks, I've been trying to determine what I'm going to do with my "lottery" winnings. After organizing all the stuff and having time to mull-over my good fortune, I've decided to share some of it with others. So, I canvassed the RAK boards and found someone who needs needles for a community knitting class they teach. I have A LOT of needles so I'll be sending several their way soon.
That's all for now . . .
This time it came in the form of a knitting experience. Honestly, I knew better than to do what I did, but there was a personal situation I was dealing with and it distracted me enough to forget to do just one little thing. That thing was to mark where in my 21 row repetition I was. Several hours later I picked up my project and that is when I had my "oh no" moment. I tried to do some math to figure out where I was, but when I got to the end (or at least what I thought was the end) of the repetition I realized that my math was incorrect. I tried back tracking to the beginning of the repetition, but that created even more headaches. In the end, I just frogged it all and moved forward.
Aside from mom's socks, I've been trying to determine what I'm going to do with my "lottery" winnings. After organizing all the stuff and having time to mull-over my good fortune, I've decided to share some of it with others. So, I canvassed the RAK boards and found someone who needs needles for a community knitting class they teach. I have A LOT of needles so I'll be sending several their way soon.
That's all for now . . .
Mid-Day Newsbreak
Compliments of the Boston Harold:
I heard about this news bit on the radio this morning so I had to learn more. Once Johnny boy is done helping Hillary, he is welcome to help me out!
Jon Bon Jovi to play benefit for Hillary Clinton
Jon Bon Jovi is going to help future Secretary of State Hillary Clinton retire her campaign debt. The former presidential candidate still has a $6.3 million campaign debt to pay off before she gets the go-ahead to head up the State Department. The New Jersey rocker will perform at a fund-raiser...
Click here for the full article
A Little Food News:
Keep an eye out for the rising price of that Tuna Roll at your favorite sushi restaurant.
I heard about this news bit on the radio this morning so I had to learn more. Once Johnny boy is done helping Hillary, he is welcome to help me out!
Jon Bon Jovi to play benefit for Hillary Clinton
Jon Bon Jovi is going to help future Secretary of State Hillary Clinton retire her campaign debt. The former presidential candidate still has a $6.3 million campaign debt to pay off before she gets the go-ahead to head up the State Department. The New Jersey rocker will perform at a fund-raiser...
Click here for the full article
A Little Food News:
Keep an eye out for the rising price of that Tuna Roll at your favorite sushi restaurant.
Premium tuna fetches $100,000 at auction
Two sushi bar owners paid more than $100,000 for a Japanese bluefin tuna at a Tokyo fish auction Monday, several times the average price and the highest in nearly a decade, market officials said.
Thank You Yelp!
I have to admit I wasn't 100% sure I'd be honored with Yelp Elite status in '09 given the fact that I got my annual "Why I should be Elite" essay (more like a paragraph) in the day after it was due. (For some reason I thought the deadline was a day later than it actually was.)
Apparently they didn't mind my tardiness because I received notification this evening that I am once again Elite! WooHoo! I'm still special - well, at least for another year!
Thanks Yelp!
Apparently they didn't mind my tardiness because I received notification this evening that I am once again Elite! WooHoo! I'm still special - well, at least for another year!
Thanks Yelp!
A Stroll Down Memory Lane
There is a suburb not to far from where I lived called Oak Park. I hesitate to call it a suburb because it's really what I call an "urban-suburban" area. It's one of those areas that possess a lot of the qualities of an urban dwelling, but is classified as a suburb because it falls just outside the major metropolitan area.
I love Oak Park immensely. My reasons for loving this place so much are two fold. First, I love any area that can give me the best of both worlds (urban and suburban). Secondly, and more importantly, my grandparents lived in this area when I was a little girl. Some of my best childhood memories occurred in Oak Park.
It was not odd for my mom to take me to Oak Park during the summer months to spend the night with my grandparent who lived there. We would take the El into Oak Park early Saturday morning and meet my grandparent's at my grandfather's cigar shop which was just south of the El platform - literally just a few feet away. After my mom gave me a hug and kiss good bye my grandma and I would walk back to their place. Once we got there and I put my bag down I immediately went for my favorite toy - a miniature play dining room set complete with tiny dishes and cups. I would take the tiny dishes and cup out of the play curio cabinet and set the table for my faux dinner party that was set to start any minute. Oh, I could play for hours with that thing.
The next day we would walk to my grandfather's shop around lunch time and head over to the local diner just down the street. As I walked into the diner I would revel at how large the place was (or at least how large I thought it was). My grandma would have the same thing every time - a hamburger, medium rare and a chocolate phosphate. I had a hamburger as well. For the life of me I could not tell you what my grandpa ordered. After we ate, grandma and I would go in and out of the different shops until my mom came back to pick me up.
Ah, yes, I love to think about those days. Except for a few things, Oak Park is much different these days. Aside from our beloved diner, the last of the stores I was familiar with, back in the day, has gone under and now you will mostly find stores that try to play up the historic feel of their store space with the modern look of their decor.
My grandpa's cigar shop is now part of a local jewelry store and my beloved diner has shrunk by leaps and bound and sadly provides bad service which prevents me from dining there as often as I would like too. My grandparent's building look exactly the same from the outside, but I could not tell you how it compares inside. But all that doesn't stop me from remembering "the good ol' days" and smiling.
I do have to send a thank you to all my friends who hang out with me in that area and listen to me go on about the tales of yesteryear each time we are there. What can I say? I am a sentimental fool.
Until later . . .
I love Oak Park immensely. My reasons for loving this place so much are two fold. First, I love any area that can give me the best of both worlds (urban and suburban). Secondly, and more importantly, my grandparents lived in this area when I was a little girl. Some of my best childhood memories occurred in Oak Park.
It was not odd for my mom to take me to Oak Park during the summer months to spend the night with my grandparent who lived there. We would take the El into Oak Park early Saturday morning and meet my grandparent's at my grandfather's cigar shop which was just south of the El platform - literally just a few feet away. After my mom gave me a hug and kiss good bye my grandma and I would walk back to their place. Once we got there and I put my bag down I immediately went for my favorite toy - a miniature play dining room set complete with tiny dishes and cups. I would take the tiny dishes and cup out of the play curio cabinet and set the table for my faux dinner party that was set to start any minute. Oh, I could play for hours with that thing.
The next day we would walk to my grandfather's shop around lunch time and head over to the local diner just down the street. As I walked into the diner I would revel at how large the place was (or at least how large I thought it was). My grandma would have the same thing every time - a hamburger, medium rare and a chocolate phosphate. I had a hamburger as well. For the life of me I could not tell you what my grandpa ordered. After we ate, grandma and I would go in and out of the different shops until my mom came back to pick me up.
Ah, yes, I love to think about those days. Except for a few things, Oak Park is much different these days. Aside from our beloved diner, the last of the stores I was familiar with, back in the day, has gone under and now you will mostly find stores that try to play up the historic feel of their store space with the modern look of their decor.
My grandpa's cigar shop is now part of a local jewelry store and my beloved diner has shrunk by leaps and bound and sadly provides bad service which prevents me from dining there as often as I would like too. My grandparent's building look exactly the same from the outside, but I could not tell you how it compares inside. But all that doesn't stop me from remembering "the good ol' days" and smiling.
I do have to send a thank you to all my friends who hang out with me in that area and listen to me go on about the tales of yesteryear each time we are there. What can I say? I am a sentimental fool.
Until later . . .
Yes, Really, It's Only January 2nd
I always feel the first couple of days after the new year are a let down. Think about it, for at least two months leading up to Thanksgiving there is anticipation for the holidays in the air. After Thanksgiving everyone is running around like mad people to get their holiday shopping completed and prepare for their respective holiday celebration(s). Then there is New Year's Eve. . . Yes, the time in which we say goodbye to another year and make resolutions that will most likely be broken within the first few minutes of the year.
Seriously, I don't normally make New Year resolutions. I guess I don't feel like I need the beginning of a new year to look at what I can do to improve myself. To me self improvement is a year-round effort. So, no, I have not set any resolutions for 2009. However, I did come up with a list of things I'd like to accomplish this year. A list that I'm sure will be added onto very quickly in the weeks and months to come. Amongst this list, are several knitting related items which include making a lace overlay for my grandmother's cedar chest and curbing my yarn intake.
Yes, yes, I know I seem somewhat cynical today. I think that mainly has to do with the fact that a friend of mine got laid off today. Great way to start off the new year, huh!?
I will end my tangent about New Year's with this random fact - Since 1999 they've been making sunglasses similiar to these, however 2009 was the last year they could manufacture them until the year 3000 . . . Hope you got a pair.
So, it's January second, now what? Well, I've finished sock one of two and am eight chapters into Laurie Perry's book "Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair: The True-Life Misadventures of a 30-Something Who Learned to Knit After He Split."

Actually, I love the Crazy Aunt Purl blog. I think Laurie is hilarious and personally I can relate to many of the things she's gone through. This is the third time I've checked this book out from the library. The first two times I was too busy to actually read the book. This time I'm making a whole-hearted effort to finish it.
With that in mind, I'm going to sign off... Ta! Ta!
Seriously, I don't normally make New Year resolutions. I guess I don't feel like I need the beginning of a new year to look at what I can do to improve myself. To me self improvement is a year-round effort. So, no, I have not set any resolutions for 2009. However, I did come up with a list of things I'd like to accomplish this year. A list that I'm sure will be added onto very quickly in the weeks and months to come. Amongst this list, are several knitting related items which include making a lace overlay for my grandmother's cedar chest and curbing my yarn intake.
Yes, yes, I know I seem somewhat cynical today. I think that mainly has to do with the fact that a friend of mine got laid off today. Great way to start off the new year, huh!?
I will end my tangent about New Year's with this random fact - Since 1999 they've been making sunglasses similiar to these, however 2009 was the last year they could manufacture them until the year 3000 . . . Hope you got a pair.
So, it's January second, now what? Well, I've finished sock one of two and am eight chapters into Laurie Perry's book "Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair: The True-Life Misadventures of a 30-Something Who Learned to Knit After He Split."

Actually, I love the Crazy Aunt Purl blog. I think Laurie is hilarious and personally I can relate to many of the things she's gone through. This is the third time I've checked this book out from the library. The first two times I was too busy to actually read the book. This time I'm making a whole-hearted effort to finish it.
With that in mind, I'm going to sign off... Ta! Ta!
You Mean There Is Math Involved
The holidays have passed and a new year has started.
It's a cold, January evening and I spent most of my day indoors lounging around in my pjs. Yes, it was a pj's day and I loved every minute of it. I even finished the first sock for my mom, which I am happy to report turned out perfect!

I did have to venture out briefly, but seeing how dead things were just confirmed my desire to head back home.
Today was also the perfect day to start organizing all the yarn and misc. knitting items I got the other day. It helped me realize what I really did and did not have. This will help me as I choose projects.
As I sorted through everything I decided that I need to make something for my mom's coworker. It was very thoughtful of her to let me rummage through everything and furthermore take whatever I wanted. Also, this is not the first time this individual has helped me out and I think it's the perfect time to say thank you for all that she has done. So where all this is leading too? I am actually looking at creating a pattern of my own for an item this individual said would be ideal to have. I have to admit, the more I thought about her idea the more I would have to say it's a good one.
My only apprehension about this undertaking - the math that is involved. Yes people, I suck at math. I do not even pretend to be even somewhat good at math. No, the math gene, for the most part, does not exist in my family. There is only one family member of mine whom excels at math. They clearly got a recessive gene. What does math have to do with knitting? There is actually a lot of math involved in knitting. I've tried to avoid as much of it as I can - thus the whole sucking at math issue - however, I cannot get away from it totally. And now that I want to write my own pattern . . . it's staring me dead in the face taunting me. This should be a blast.
Well, it's late and work awaits me tomorrow so I guess I should get to sleep early this evening.
Happy Knitting, and New Year!
It's a cold, January evening and I spent most of my day indoors lounging around in my pjs. Yes, it was a pj's day and I loved every minute of it. I even finished the first sock for my mom, which I am happy to report turned out perfect!

I did have to venture out briefly, but seeing how dead things were just confirmed my desire to head back home.
Today was also the perfect day to start organizing all the yarn and misc. knitting items I got the other day. It helped me realize what I really did and did not have. This will help me as I choose projects.
As I sorted through everything I decided that I need to make something for my mom's coworker. It was very thoughtful of her to let me rummage through everything and furthermore take whatever I wanted. Also, this is not the first time this individual has helped me out and I think it's the perfect time to say thank you for all that she has done. So where all this is leading too? I am actually looking at creating a pattern of my own for an item this individual said would be ideal to have. I have to admit, the more I thought about her idea the more I would have to say it's a good one.
My only apprehension about this undertaking - the math that is involved. Yes people, I suck at math. I do not even pretend to be even somewhat good at math. No, the math gene, for the most part, does not exist in my family. There is only one family member of mine whom excels at math. They clearly got a recessive gene. What does math have to do with knitting? There is actually a lot of math involved in knitting. I've tried to avoid as much of it as I can - thus the whole sucking at math issue - however, I cannot get away from it totally. And now that I want to write my own pattern . . . it's staring me dead in the face taunting me. This should be a blast.
Well, it's late and work awaits me tomorrow so I guess I should get to sleep early this evening.
Happy Knitting, and New Year!
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froggie knits like crazy by Tracey M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at