

The Sun, The Moon and The Stars All in Alignment

If I had a dollar for every time in the past year that I uttered the phrase, "If the sun, the moon and the stars all fall into alignment perfectly then maybe I'll consider it," I would be super rich. Unfortunately, I was using the reference in a negative manner. It was my way to avoid answering unpleasant questions - or one question in particular that I just didn't have the answer too.

Months after I started using the phrase, I discovered yarn karma. The good kind of yarn karma where the sun, the moon and the stars were aligned just perfectly to create the perfecting color pooling for a project I was working on. Wow! I could actually use that phrase to describe something good - who knew!?

This weekend, I had another sun, moon, stars experience . . .

Had one of the people I was hanging out with at the bookstore not left their keys on the table I wouldn't have stayed there as long as I had. After taking a lap around the store to see if I could find this person I got back to our table to find out they had shown up right after I left. Had I not been trying to pull all my stuff together and trying to find my keys after I gave back the other keys to their owner I would have been out the door sooner. All these delays led me to bumping into another friend of mine. One I hadn't seen or talked to in awhile. We were both hungry so we grabbed a quick bite and caught up.

I guess you can call all this fate -- I'll just say the sun, the moon and the stars were all in alignment.

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