

Just An Extra Quarter Inch

Sometime I feel as thought I need to find a way to grow taller. . .

I'm 5'2 and 3/4". Until last January I thought I was 5'2 1/2", however I went to the doctor that month and I was corrected. I took the extra quarter inch with no complaints (Yes, seriously! In my world every quarter inch of height counts). I only bring this up because from time-to-time I find myself in situations where an extra bit of height would have been helpful so it's on my mind - today is one of those days.

To compensate for my lack of height, and since they are super cute, I buy shoes that give me somewhat of a boost. So I guess I should clarify the above statement and say without shoes I'm 5'2 and 3/4". With shoes I am approximately between the heights of 5'3 1/2" and 5'6".

Recently, I was asked what my ideal height would be. Wow! I hadn't really thought about that since I knew I was the height I was and nothing was going to change that. After much consideration I decided my ideal height would be some where around 5'5"/5'6".

In all honesty, being short doesn't bother me as much as it might appear too. It's just when I have to start climbing on furniture, step stools, counters, standing on my tippy toes or jumpung up and down to see or to reach something that I start to wish I was taller.

At the end of the day, I do embrace the height I've been given and run with it. Anyhow, you know what they say - "Good things come in small packages!"

1 comment:

La Petite Tricoteuse said...

dude you are 3" taller than me. In my family you would be called The Amazon.

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