

Experience Is What You Get When You Don't Get What You Want

And experience is what I got, once again.

This time it came in the form of a knitting experience. Honestly, I knew better than to do what I did, but there was a personal situation I was dealing with and it distracted me enough to forget to do just one little thing. That thing was to mark where in my 21 row repetition I was. Several hours later I picked up my project and that is when I had my "oh no" moment. I tried to do some math to figure out where I was, but when I got to the end (or at least what I thought was the end) of the repetition I realized that my math was incorrect. I tried back tracking to the beginning of the repetition, but that created even more headaches. In the end, I just frogged it all and moved forward.

Aside from mom's socks, I've been trying to determine what I'm going to do with my "lottery" winnings. After organizing all the stuff and having time to mull-over my good fortune, I've decided to share some of it with others. So, I canvassed the RAK boards and found someone who needs needles for a community knitting class they teach. I have A LOT of needles so I'll be sending several their way soon.

That's all for now . . .

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