

History Was Made

I have debated long and hard as to whether or not I was going to blog about today's big event. The main reason for my hesitation - because everyone and their sister is writing about this as well. However, it was a big day so I'll acknowledge it in my own way.

I was so intent on watching the inauguration I made sure to block the time off on my calendar so I wouldn't forget or otherwise get involved in something that prevented me form going to our employee lounge to watch the broadcast.

When I saw the shot of the crowds that had gathered for this momentous occasion there was a part of me that wished I had actually taken the trip to D.C. as I had considered a few months back, but alas I didn't and I was content watching it with my coworkers.

It was a very humbling occasion. I thought President Obama's speech was perfect.

Because I'm the uber-dork that I am I took pictures while watching the event. Here are just a few:

History In The Making - January 20, 2009

Inanguration 1

Take the Oath of Office

I'm sure the dust will settle quickly for this administration and they will be getting to work very quickly.

That's all for now - on this topic at least!

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