I'd like to amend a prior statement I made regarding my mathematical abilities.
This is to amend the comments made regarding my mathematical abilities as published on January 1, 2009 at 11:05 PM:
Said post originally stated that I "suck at math." However, since publication it has been proven to be a false statement. This revaluation comes as a surprise to both myself and those that know me well as it disproves a belief that has been held for many years.
On Monday, January 12, 2009, the following statistical concepts were applied, by me, to solve a real world work scenario:
* Standard Deviation
* Averages
* Margin of Error
* Bell Curves
The record should also note that the recommendation that were made based upon my mathematical findings were accepted by upper management and put into place for company wide distribution.
For those of you that aren't believers that stats has practical application in the "real world" I'm here to tell you, it does. Until this past Monday I felt the same way. However, for the first time - ok, maybe the second time - since I took stats about 14 years ago I actually was able to apply what I learned in stats class to real life. Who knew it was possible!?
In the end my main reason for sharing this is to say don't under estimate your abilities.
Recently I've developed a new addition to coffee. Normally, I only drink coffee when I'm dead tired on a given weekday morning and I need an extra boost. This has been the case for the past two day. However, this morning I was well rested and still found myself stalking all the coffee pots on my floor trying to find one that had some coffee already for me to partake in. (Bad sign) They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Since I don't have a coffee maker at home there is a good chance this won't become a full-blown coffee addition and may just fester itself at work. I guess, like other things, only time will tell.
Notable Quotes
". . . And I have to wave my hands like a crazy person." - Acquaintance commenting on the use of motion activate lighting in their office.
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James
Oh yes, the reason for this whole blog in the first place. . . knitting happens. Sometimes slowly, but it happens.
This past weekend I had to frog mom's second sock - again. Though I started the sock for a third time my enthusiasm towards the project began to waiver and I began to focus my energy on other non-knitting projects (like getting the digital-to-analog converter box for my tv set up). Once those projects seems to not work out as well as I had hoped, I gave up on those too. Eventually, I went back to the pattern for mom's sock to see where I was going wrong. It took awhile, but eventually the part of the pattern I was missing jumped right out at me. Though I am working on the second sock once again it seems to be going a tad slower than I hoped. My goal is to get it done by the end of this coming weekend as I need to begin a gift for my favorite soon-to-be toddler.
On that note, until later . . .
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