Deep in our hearts we all know it means to "do the right thing." However, that doesn't mean someone always does "the right thing" in all instances. It's all part of making decisions. I mention this because of a conversation I had with a friend this weekend. This friend was encouraging me to
not do the right thing. They aren't trying to turn me into a deviant, lead me astray or have me act in a way that is illegal or immoral. Actually they are looking out for my well-being if you can believe that. They just believe that I have some intentions (should I follow through on them) that would degrade my self worth and put me in a weaker position of sorts because I was not treated with the same consideration in the past. I get where they are coming from, but I have to say the look on my face had to have mirrored the expression, "WTF!?" The only response I had to their comments went something to the effect of, "I don't understand why you say that, but this is the course of action I've decided on because I feel, and know, it's the right things to do."
I think the pic at the bottom of Crazy Aunt Purl's blog entry today is perfect for this section of this entry...
Blind... And that concludes the "deep thoughts" portion of this entry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Six days into Passover and I've managed to avoid eating bread. WooHoo!
The other day, I met up with a friend at a local Panera -- Yes, I realize I was just asking for trouble and I had no right to even complain a small bit about the fact that they don't have many menu items that don't have some sort of bread product involved -- but I did complain (just a little bit). Actually, I can't say it was really complaining. I believe I my comments were more general observation like. At the end of the day I brought some fruit with me from home anyhow so it wasn't a big deal. And yes, I brought fruit with me to Panera -- I'm a dork!
Yesterday afternoon a coworker of mine stopped by my office and asked how much longer I had. At the time it was something like 52 hours. They then proceeded to ask me what I was going to eat for dinner Thursday night. Without hesitation I answered their question. One small problem now. . . that's ALL I can think about now. I've tried forgetting about it, but it's still in the back of my mind. Oy! I told you it was all psychological.
Have you ever looked at someone and you knew they looked like someone else you knew, but you couldn't figure out exactly who so you just brush it aside and didn't think twice about it? Months, maybe even years in some cases, can go by and all of the sudden it hits you like a ton of bricks who that person reminds you of! That is what happened to me the other day. It wasn't years -- more like months. I always knew there was "something" about this person and I just couldn't put my finger on it. I'm not sure what sparked the connection, but it was a random connection. It's not necessarily a bad thing and it at least takes away the nagging feeling I've been having when I see this person.
Moving... Not fun at all!
New Theories:
* How often you arrive at work late is relative to how far from work you live. The closer you are the more likely you are to be running behind - often. The farther you live the more likely you are to be on time or even earlier than expected.
* The amount of time spent in the morning pondering whether or not you are going to call in sick is relative to how sick you really are.
* We're told to forget the past and move forward; however, we are also told to learn from our mistakes which means we never really forget the past and thus never really move forward.
I haven't been knitting this week. I think Sunday was the last day I actually knit something - I started a pair of Baby Knee High Socks. On Sunday I also determined I need to frog M's first sock and knit it again. It's just off in so many ways. I could just give them to M and be done with it as I'm sure M wouldn't notice the difference, but the knitter in me knows there is several problems with that particular sock and I refuse to give someone something that is not 100% perfect (or at least 99% perfect).
Until later . . .