Rain really doesn't phase me anymore. Somewhere between living in Portland, OR and getting caught in one of two torrential down-pours over the years seems to have made me more immune to the idea of getting soaked. I don't mind my hair getting wet because it drys curly and as long as I have a coat to absorb the rain or find an immediate way to eventually dry off I'm good. A few years back I was walking with a friend of mine and it started to rain (heavily) and hail (lightly). We weren't very far from my place, but far enough that we got soaked - quickly. At one point during our sprint back, a car pulled over and asked if we wanted to lift. It was a nice gesture, but we figured it was better to be drenched to the core than get into some dude's car and have them take us G-d knows where... Yes, strange danger at work! Also, at that point there was only a matter of a few hundred feet that kept us from dry land so not taking the ride wasn't a big deal. We had already passed the point of no return when it came to getting wet. After all was said and done, we dried off and laughed about it for many days to come. I recall this story every time I'm caught in the rain unprepared. It makes me laugh about the situation at hand and also makes me realize I don't really care about getting wet because getting wet isn't the end of the world. Uncomfortable, maybe a bit, but not the end of the world.
The moving check list is coming along . . . I'll have that gold star in no time! I e-mailed my family and friends my new addy and have also changed it with a few other places. My mail still isn't forwarded and my newspaper as well. I think that's on today's "to do" list. Especially the mail forwarding since I have to go to the post office at some point to mail this off:

It's for the Wee Tiny Sock Swap. Recognize the yarn? It's my leftover Lorna's Laces DK Swirl in the colorway Circus. Yes, the same yarn used for the Britney socks. The wee tiny sock should have been in the mail yesterday, but I didn't realize it needed to get out by then until Sunday. I justify my tardiness due to my busy weekend and my swap partner is local so it will get there overnight regardless. I started working on it at 11 PM Sunday night, but my exhaustion kicked in and any hope of completing it in one sitting was gone. I actually know the person this wee tiny sock is for and I was tempted to see if they just wanted me to give it to them the next time we saw each other. Then I realized part of the fun of a swap is getting the package in the mail.
I will say, knitting this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. However, there was one point where I thought I would be stalled because I didn't have a crochet hook to pick up the gusset stitches. However, I remedied that . . .
As you will see, I reshaped a green paperclip (on the left) and used it as a crochet hook.
I think everyone should have a wee tiny sock. They are so freakin cute! I will surely be making more of these soon.
I got Misti Alpaca this weekend. It's my first time buying Alpaca. It's so soft! I got a purple, blue and black colorway (shocker!).
Actually I was originally going to get another colorway altogether, but the friend who was with me at the yarn shop swayed me toward this as my final purchase. My intent for this yarn is a pair of knee high socks, but all everyone keeps telling me about the yarn is that it will make a lovely shawl. I'm starting to think it would be perfect for the cedar chest overlay however, it's not the right color. I "think" I'm leaning towards a shade of blue on that - I'm still not sure.
I'm hoping once things settle down I'll have more time to knit than I've had over the past weeks. It's an odd feeling not to have a project going.
As an end this post I'll share this recent discovery. A friend of mine recommended I check it out... the link I'm posting is about 45 minutes long, but Hulu does have it available in 15 minute blurbs as well. Hope you enjoy "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" as much as I did. Best put it's stupid, funny, silly and entertaining in so many different ways.
Until later. . .
i love the dr. horrible sing along blogs. too funny!
i didn't get your new address yet. maybe it went to my spam folder?
filtering my e-mail into your "junk" box again!? : P You should have it now!
Cute! What a great color. I heart Dr. Horrible!
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