As mentioned above, I broke my no bread run about a week ago. I finally caved and had the deep dish pizza. There was only one problem - it was just OK. A few days later I was at Panera and had soup in a bread bowl (another favorite of mine). That didn't do it for me either. So, it appears that my addiction to bread has been curved. I have to say I'm kind of glad about this. I've tried for years to give it up, but without success. I have even acquired some more healthy habits in the process as well - like snacking on baby carrots instead of sweets. Who knew all this would come out of the Passover holiday.
I've started a new version of Project 365. It was inspired by two of my friends. The first was talking about how they are going to try to take a picture a day of their children so they can document how they change since they are so little. The other came from a friend who made a joke regarding my new addy. What morphed from those two conversation was the idea to take a picture a day of my new view. It will be interesting to see how the environment around me changes (if at all) over the next year. I'm not sure yet were I'll be posting these pictures. The obvious choice is to post them on my Flickr account, but I think I may try a new audience. At this rate, next thing you know I may be going with the true spirit of Project 365 and start taking a picture day of me. Stay tuned!
Last night marked the start of what I suspect will be many runs to Home Depot. After this trip I was all set to hang pictures as it's my goal to actually decorate this place. However, when I went to go get my hammer I discovered it's M.I.A. Now, the search is on for my hammer. I'm sure it's around - somewhere. Where is just the question.
Speaking of M.I.A. -- Somewhere in the process of bringing the Wee Tiny Sock to work and going to the post office I lost the sock - ugh! This is the second thing I'm now looking for right now. Guess I will be making another one.
... Since I'm a child of the 80's and absolutely LOVE Fraggle Rock I thought I'd end this entry with Fragalicious entertainment:
Until later . . .
1 comment:
Not to scare you, but it's been over 10 years since I last moved and I still have boxes to unpack and tings that are MIA.
You're probably much more organized than I am.
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