Exactly at sundown I was going to partake in a piece of deep dish pizza. I determined how long it would take to cook so I would have it ready at exactly 7:31PM (sunset). Then my plans changed and I decided to meet up with a friend for dinner. No worries, surely I would find some bread item to indulge in . . . Yeeeaaahhh, not so much. I had fish.

So here I am, twelve plus hours after sunset and the end of Passover has passed and still not one crumb of bread has touched my mouth. I was actually thinking this morning as I was having my yogurt for breakfast that I can't see myself going back to my regular morning bagel. Not to mention I passed on the bagels and Dunkin Donuts sitting around the office. (First sign that I'm ill) Both seem like such a heavy start to the day. Then I thought back to yesterday at lunch when it seemed like everyone had decided that was the day to get McDonald's, but the thought (and the smell) no longer appealed to me. (Another sign -- maybe I should go see a doctor). So, no bagels, Dunkin Donuts or McDonald's. To add insult to injury, I find myself not missing bread even though I've been freed from the no bread aspect of Passover. (My appointment to see the doc has been scheduled!) : P
In all seriousness, I have even considered seeing how long I can go without eating bread. This is not me at all. Last year when I kept passover I allowed myself some liberal parameters just to make the process easier. This year, I didn't use any of those "fall-back" parameter. I didn't even deem myself sephardic for the week so I could justify eating rice. No bread; no rice. Instead, lots of yogurt, soup, chicken, fruit, veggies and eggs. Can I be turning over a new leaf? Several people have asked me how much weight I've lost from my bread-free week . . . The thought to weigh myself didn't even crossed my mind (just like when I went off HFCS in November). Hell, the thought that I would loose weight from not eating bread didn't even cross my mind. That wasn't the point of doing it. I guess in the end time will tell when I indulge again in bread products.
Life Theme Songs
A friend of mine e-mailed me this week with their new life "theme song." I could see how it fit what's going on with them.
At any given time I think there are several songs that speak to how I'm feeling about things going on in my life. Last weekend I found a new one that I can't stop listening too. Literally can't stop listening too -- in a matter of half an hour after discovering it I knew the words and probably listened to it 7 or 8 times. It's got things pegged to a tee.
Starting the Weekend Off with a Smile
I know this is old news by now, but I have to put it out there... I must have watched this over a hundred times by now and I smile each time --
Britian's Got Talent - Susan Boyle
This weekend will be a balancing act of getting out and enjoying the nice weather while being a responsible adult (the move is fast approaching!).
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Because I feel forgiveness is so important I will end this post with this quote:
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mohandas Gandhi
Until later . . .
1 comment:
you should write up a passover-week "diet" plan. I would love to see what you ate since we are in the process of giving up gluten and sugar. :-\
also, my captcha for this comment is "saint". weird.
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