

What I See Through My Sunglasses

I haven't had much luck with sunglasses over the past several years. Something always seems to happen to them.

Back in 2006 I got my first pair of polarized sunglasses. They cost me about $90. (Yes, I splurged.) They were the most I had ever spent on a pair of sunglasses. I loved them! They were a darker red frame with a stripe of yellow on each stem. They had rose colored lenses. After I got them, a coworker commented on the lens color. I told them I literally did see the world through rose colored glasses. I lost those sunglasses about a year and a half after I got them at a company happy hour gathering. Maybe I should have put them in my bag and not hooked one of the stems to the strap of the bag. All I know was that I was bummed when I realized I had lost them. Not because of the money (Ok, a small part had to do with how much they cost), but it mainly had to do with the fact that they were fun.

My next pair were darker red frames with rose colored lenses once again. Just a different style frame, and brand. Still as fun as the others. I did look at a pair of purple frames with purple lenses, but I was still drawn to the red ones. I loved seeing life though rose colored glasses. Those cost me about me $45. (Half the cost of the others - woohoo!) After having those for about 6/7 months they fell victim to an unfortunate vacuuming accident. The damage was only a hairline fracture that could have been repaired without being noticed. Unfortunately, fate was not on their side and they met an eminent death after being broken in half during unfortunate circumstances.

The pair I have now have been in my possession a year this month. I do adore my current pair as well. However, this time they are not rose colored lenses; instead they are a basic tortie shade. A shade I consider to be one of the average lens color for sunglasses.

On the random side of this ramble I found my sunglasses this morning sitting on the top shelf of my closet. I don't know why I felt that was the best place for them as I have a very nice case for them and that's usually were I put them. I've since been wondering why I did that.

But, that's not the only reason I'm bringing this up. . .

From time-to-time I think about my "seeing life through rose color glasses" comment to my former coworker. I chuckle inside when looking back on that because I wonder if I really did see life with such rosy shading. Maybe it's my life experiences since then that have changed the shading and though I see the roses (and want to see the roses because that is who I am at my core) I realize that seeing life through "normal" shading may be the better bet. I guess I'm not 100% sure yet and only time will tell.

What I DO know is that seeing life through polarized lenses is fantastic! It's like when you cut out the bullshit of a situation -- once you do that it's amazing what you find in the world around you.

Until later . . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i spend $5 at target and i'm satisfied. i know they'll get lost or broken so it doesn't bother me as much. and they work just fine. :)

it's nice to see the world through rose colored glasses sometimes.

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