

The Forced Post

I'm forcing myself to post as regularly as possible. I don't want this sun, moon, stars misalignment to get the best of me.

So, it was April Fool's Day. Honestly I don't get the appeal of pranks. I've never be into them. There were no memorable pranks today however I do remember the prank that got me last April Fool's Day. There were lots of layoffs going on in the radio industry at the time and one of my favorite radio stations had let go one of their production people for their morning show (which just happened to be my favorite morning show). This was all around the time I was commuting to work at the crack-ass of dawn so I was sometimes in the car well before the 6AM hour. As I pulled into the train station parking lot I anticipated getting to hear at least the first 15 minutes of this morning show. However, a DJ from another station came on and announced that even though the show beat out its competitor station by a landslide the show was canceled. OMG! I was devastated. All I could think is "How could they do this!?" Of course I had to stop listen because I had a train to catch. As soon as I got to my office and booted up my computer I searched for any news story I could find on this. I could find NOTHING on this. I later found out it was an April Fool's joke. Ugh! Not funny guys!

After work I decided that since it had been a balmy 55 degrees out that I would slip on my flip flops before I went out and about this evening. As far as I am concerned - it's spring time. Actually my feet are not flip flop ready. I don't go for manicures or pedicures on a regular basis, but I'm at the point where my nails could use a good clean-up.

The most moving related action there was tonight dealt with relocating some charity
yarn I had been storing here. It was time I shared the pleasure of storing the charity yarn with others. : P Hey, as they say sharing is caring.... right!?

On top of everything else, I've been starting to write short, short stories. I have a few thing in the works and will hopefully have sometthing to share with all at a later date in time.

Well, it's getting late and I think I'll stop here. There is a lot more I can, but I can't seem avoid the heaviness my eyes are feeling.

Until later . ..

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