

Day 165: And It Put A Smile On My Face - June 14, 2009

My Project 365 picture for yesterday, June 14, 2009 is titled "And It Put A Smile On My Face." It's not the best picture I took that day - far from it. However, it's something that put a big smile on my face when my eyes glanced upon it.

It's only normal. Maybe for you it's a song that triggers it. Or, possibly a place. Suddenly the memories come flooding back. For me, yesterday, it was a Peanut Butter Nutella cupcake.

I swear when I saw the sign I had to do a double take. I couldn't believe my eyes. I haven't had, or thought about Nutella in ages (In real time, just a few months). Instantly I wanted to pick up the phone and say, "You'll never believe what I'm looking at right now." But I didn't. Instead, I just smiled and told the friend I was with how much I loved Nutella and that the combination sounded so decadent. However, I have to confess, there was more to that comment that meets the eye - and only one other person knows why.

As I ordered my Peanut Butter Nutella cupcake I recalled the first time I had Nutella. I had gotten the jar of it from a friend because I was on an anti-high fructose corn syrup challenge which limited my intake of sweets. Funny enough it wasn't until after the challenge was over would I take my first taste of this sweet treat.

It was deadly. I was hooked from the first taste . . . and it would soon become forbidden in my home. My love affair with Nutella would be a short one, but not due to my lack of admiration. Sometimes it's better for us to cutout things, even if we love them a lot, because in reality they aren't the healthiest thing for us. My enabler agreed. Their initial intention was for me to have a treat when I couldn't partake in the others I had before, not for me to form a bad habit.

I allowed myself to indulge in this tasty treat yesterday. It was absolutely perfect. The peanut butter cake was light and fluffy and the Nutella had a rich chocolaty taste, but not one that was too over-whelming. Once again, I wanted to pick up the phone and say, "You'll never guess what I just had."

And as for the double meaning of my initial comment to my friend yesterday. . . that's between me and the one other person - and it always will be.

Until later . . .


Anonymous said...

I love Nutella as well. It really is sinful!

Melissa said...

sounds like a yummy cupcake!

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