

I Spent The Day Naked

"I've been naked all day," I exclaimed to KP yesterday after she asked if I had gotten her e-mail, "So, no. I haven't gotten your e-mail." She knew exactly what I meant.

That's when KP remembered it was my volunteer day and I had been without computer/internet access for the whole day. Since 7 AM-ish that morning to be exact. It would over 12 hours before I would really get a chance to touch a computer again and get at least a brief moment to at least look through my e-mails before I had to get going again. This is truly odd for a weekday. Not so much the weekends, but definitely on a weekday. I'm actually surprised I didn't start having withdrawal symptoms. I think it was the fact that I did have my knitting with me and had some time during lunch and before dinner to work on a project that saved me. Had I not had the opportunity to knit, I think there could have been some serious problems.

Until later . . .

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