

Friday Fluff

Where I work, on your anniversary you are asked to fill out a profile about you. It has questions about what parts of your job you like the most, what you do, etc. Then there are the non-professional questions.

Since it's Friday I figured I'd end the week with a "fluff" post. So, I've snagged some of the off-beat questions from that questionnaire and am posting my answers below.

Tell us about a favorite event from your childhood:

One of my all time favorite childhood memories has to do with a Kelly Green dress my parents bought me. It was beautiful! It had a Peter Pan collar with a little bow tie in the center. The body of the dress had these embroidered flowers with a bit of pleating on the side of the embroidery. The dress had a full, fluffy skirt and a piece of fabric around the waist that tied in the back. However, it wasn't what the dress looked like that makes this my all-time favorite childhood memory. It's how it was given to me.

I was in the car with my mom and dad when we stopped at the grocery store. Dad and I stayed in the car while mom ran into the store. This was a usual thing for us to do. As we sat in the car listening to the radio my dad said he had something for me. That's when he handed the dress to me. As I looked at the dress and admired it he said, "You know I made it for you." I looked at him and replied, "No you didn't." He then insisted he did. Though I knew he didn't I let it be that he made it for me and thanked him for doing such a thoughtful thing.

I had that dress for years after I grew out of it. My parents even gave it to someone in our family and I insisted I get it back.

What's on your iPod?

Let's see here... ELO, Styx, Beatles, ABBA, Carol King, Bowling for Soup, Gwen Stafini, Lady Gaga . . . You get the point - a lot of different things!

What are three things that are always in your refrigerator?

Ha! A long time ago I don't think I could have answered this question as I didn't keep a lot of food in my fridge. Now, that's a different story. Those that have known me a long time find this hard to believe. So here it goes:

1. Turkey Bacon
2. Yogurt
3. Apples

If there were a job that is just not up your alley, what would it be?

Hmmm . . . Accountant.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl. No question about that one.

What was the greatest gift you have ever received?

My father's silver charm chain. (I carry it with me everywhere I go.)

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Something that would combine my passion for knitting and photography.

Happy Friday y'all!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

sara said...

My dream job would involve knitting, too.

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