

Officer Friendly, and My Mom, Would Have Been Proud!

Yes, I know the scenarios in this video seem cheesy, but they have a good point. A point that I'm glad I paid attention too. I guess "After School Specials" serve another purpose beyond a piece of media to mock.

On my way home tonight I noticed that the car behind me was following me. Now, I'm not talking about normal following where you just happen to be going in the same direction for a period of time. I'm talking about. . . I moved to the other lane and the car behind me moved to the other lane. . . Then I moved back to the lane I was in and the car behind me moved back into the other lane as well.


At this point I increased my speed a bit and turned into the first gas station I could find. I wasn't about to let this fool follow me home. Or, should I say, I wasn't going to be a fool and let this person follow me home. Said car got into the left hand turn lane and just sat there. It was if they were waiting for me to exit the gas station from the other side. However, I stayed put - patiently waiting. After a few seconds they suddenly decided to drive straight again.

"All's well that end well!"

Until later . . .


CTJen said...

wow! That is very scary. Another option, the one MY mom always suggested, would have been to drive to the police station. Glad you're safe...

Just a Girl In the World said...

That was my next destination had the gas station route failed. Thanks!

sara said...

Wow. Super scary. Glad you are ok!

Melissa said...

that is creepy. i'm glad they left you alone.

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