

There's Another One I Can Take Off The List

I can remember the exact incident that caused my fear of water slides, but I don't remember how old I was. All I know is that I whipped around that last turn WAY too fast and the punch in the stomach I felt was not pleasant at all. After that I was done with water slides. So, when KP's son insisted that I go on the water slides I was hesitant. I tried dancing around the water slide issue the whole time we were there and with 15 minutes of pool time left I almost made it out of that visit without HAVING to go on the water slide.

Then KP informed me that she said she'd go in my place to make her son happy. Then out of the blue a thought popped into my head . . .

"You know, I jump out of planes, but I won't go down a water slide. What's wrong with that?" I said with a confused look on my face.

That's when I went over to my things and put my sunglasses in my bag. I had decided to give the slide a chance.

I choose the open water slide for starters. After climbing the 800 stairs and waiting in a short line it was my turn. At first I just sat up, but by the end of the ride I was lying down. It was fun! So much so I went again. This time I was lying down from start to finish.

So, there it is, one more thing I can take off my "fear list." The list is now down to three things - I believe. Not that it was super long to start with, but it's kind of crazy that it is now only three things. I'm kind of proud of myself for tackling these things finally. At the same time I'm kind of sad that the list is almost completed.

I guess I need to make a new list.

Until later . . .


sara said...

yay! Good for you :-)

Melissa said...

you go girl! i almost died the last time i went on a waterslide. i went underwater too fast and choked on the water as a result. :P

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