

100 Squares Old

Blankie hit a milestone yesterday. . . 100 squares!

To mark the occasion square 100 was the first double square to be added to it. I used the Dead Blue yarn I dyed this summer.

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for September 15, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 104

Squares Ready to be Added: 0

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 632

As you can see from the count, I have 104 squares. That's because I am counting the double square as 4, and not just one, since it takes up more room on the blanket. Today I added on the additional square. I did, however, take a full picture first.

This project is now big enough length wise that it officially drapes over my ottoman - in all directions.

Even though it's over 100 square, realistically I often question whether or not I'll get it finished in time for my 35th birthday. I may have to revise my goal a tad. I guess it will be something to visit as that time gets closer.

In the meantime, I've been working on finishing up packages for the mini-skein swap. This was how things looked the other evening:

Got Minis?

And as of this evening. . .

It's kind of sad to see this swap come to an end. I was very lucky to have AWESOME swappers in this group. That along with the experience of having yarn show up in my mailbox almost everyday . . . what can I say? I was in heaven!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

sara said...

Congratulations! I admire your stamina! I've often considered doing this type of project...then I just say "no" and continue sitting on the couch. :-)

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