

"P.S. I Knit"

In 1994 I got my first e-mail address through the university I was attending. It was BFF that told me about e-mail addresses and that I should ask my campus technology department about getting one. E-mail? Technology department? WTF!? Given my love of technology,and dislike of my handwriting, e-mail and texting is my primary means of communication. I chuckle when I think back on that moment in time when all of these things were completely foreign to me.

From time-to-time when I start going through old boxes looking for something I typically end up stumbling upon my manila envelope busting with old letters from back in the "good ol' days" when writing an actual letter was my primary means for communications with those far from me. Most of the letters are from BFF and my Aunt with cards and letter from others mixed in. As I read the letters I think about how powerful an actual pen and paper letter can be vs. the here-and-now e-mail message. Regardless, I always get nostalgic. How could I not?

When I stumbled upon the Rav group "P.S. I Knit" I was intrigued. The idea behind this group is simple:

"In an world filled increasingly by e-mails, private messaging and Facebook wall posts, we think it’s time to relax, slow down, and return to simpler times by bringing back the hand-written letter."

I love it! What a fantastic idea. So I signed up. My first pen pal is located in London. Yes, I said first. With round one barely under way I signed up for a second pen pal. I'm not sure how many pen pals I'll take on, but I think two is a manageable start.

The other plus to this pen pal exchange - I have a great excuse to pick up some of the super cute stationary that I drool over when I'm at stationary and craft stores. (Hmmm. . . Maybe that was my true motivating factor - an excuse to buy stationary.)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i miss having pen pals. i hope it works out well for you!

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