

Something Like

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for September 22, 2009:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 117

Squares Ready to be Added: 9

Remaining Squares Needed: LOTS! In real numbers 610

When I lay this thing down to take a look at it I have a hard time believing it's already at 117 squares. This marathon has been going on for four months now. A part of me is impressed to be 30 some squares away from the mid-hundreds. Another part of me knows that it's "just" the mid-hundreds and there is a long road ahead.

How in the world I will acquire said minis is yet to be determined. I truly feel I'm living swap-to-swap with this project and that any day now my yarn supply is going to dry up. I'm currently participating in another swap and know I'll be getting 14 additional minis as well. I think that gets me somewhere around the 160 mark. Then I have to go back to graveling for yarn scrap from friends and strangers . . . You know, now that I think about it, the graveling for scrap yarn really never stops, does it!?

I've always appreciated the items my aunt has made for me and my family over the years. However, it hasn't been until this project that I really get all the time, energy and love that was put into them. I was looking at the afghan my aunt made my parents years and years ago that I now have. It is currently draped over my rocking chair. As I was straightening it the other night I started to really think about how much time my aunt really put into it. Then I wonder how she felt when she was making it. Was she daunted by the project? Excited because she knew it was for us? One of these days I should send her a thank you. It may have been given to us years ago, but there is no time limit on letting someone know their gift is appreciated and enjoyed so much.

Until later . . .

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