

"Two Dollars!"

• Never in my life did I expect to be so excited about having access to three libraries.

• I may speak many forms of geek, but Trek Geek is not one of them.

• History is a good thing to have with someone, but sometimes it's that history that makes things weird.

"Jewish Diva Diaries"

• Would you know bottom if you got there?

• It must be nice to have your product THAT in demand that people stay up until ung-dly hours waiting for you to restock your inventory.

• I believe given its relevance and regular use, the word "friended" should no longer come up in my spell check as a misspelled word.

• We were so idealistic back then!

• If I had known it was going to take so long to get there I would have packed a meal.

• Everyone needs some corn in their life.

• Seeing past the fog is difficult.

• What's next?

• I still believe we will have one last week of warm weather.

• Where should it go next? We only have a few hours to figure it out!!!

Until later . . .


Wren said...

Your post title makes me think of the 80's John Cusak movie "Better Off Dead" and the psycho paper boy that chases him throughout yelling, "TWO DOLLARS!"

...why yes, I _am_ a geek, how did you guess? *grin*

Just a Girl In the World said...

That was my inspiration! One of my favorite movies AND I totally have a "two dollar" story.

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