

Day Two

Oh, this one is going to be a bunch of things that are all over the place....

This is a funny site that was brought to my attention via a e-mail from SWC last week. It's called This is a blog where people can share all the fan-tab-u-lous passive aggressive notes that they encounter during day-to-day life.

Of those note, I always find the most passionate ones to be associated with food. Have you ever noticed that? People really get attached to food. At least that is my observation. I guess I can relate. I am not innocent of throwing a fit over someone else eating something I was looking forward too having myself - and that was just in my home environment. I can only imagine how irritating it could be when someone you hardly know eats what is clearly marked as yours! These types of note take me back to my first job out of college when someone sent a note to the regional e-mail list (instead of the local office one) about their lunch which had been taken from the fridge. I can only imagine what that person felt like when someone replied back pointing out that they just should have sent the message locally. Oops!


I had someone else recently apologize to me for treating me badly. Ok, they didn't out-right apologize to me. Is was more of a recognition that the way they treated me the last time we saw each other wasn't right and they should have conveyed what was going on in a better way than they did. Yes, the details are vague - for good reason - it's between the two of us and not necessary to make my point. Honestly, I think I sat there in shock. If you had asked me six months ago if I ever thought I'd be having that conversation I would have flat out told you that it would be a cold day in hell before I thought that would happen.

As we were having the conversation it reminded me of the message I received about a month ago from my old friend apologizing for things that happened years and years ago. That message was on my mind as I had recently told Moral Compass about the message. "That was very nice," MC responded. (Which was a response I was surprised by as well.) I went on to say I wasn't sure how to respond and all the jazz as I went on about in my prior post. However, at the end of the day all I can think is. . . "You know, it was nice."

It was nice to hear someone who has truly hurt you sincerely recognize what they did and own their actions. Then I got the thinking why I don't expect this out of others. All I can come up with are two things: 1) Making amends is personal decision you can't force someone else to do and 2) I've made such peace with the fact that the one person who I feel truly owes me the greatest apology of all will be the one person I'll never get it from so why should I expect it of others. Ok, there is a third reason . . . If you carry around with you an expectation, you will be greatly disappointed - and that can be just as painful as whatever happened that made you feel you are owed an apology in the first place.

Something to think about . . .


My aunt's birthday and ex's birthday are one day apart. This worked out really good while the ex and I were together. I NEVER forgot her birthday. Last year, I was so intent on forgetting about the ex's birthday I forgot about my aunt's birthday. I didn't like myself for this. It wasn't only about the fact that I had forgotten my aunt's b-day. It was the fact that I had let my ex get in the way of remembering such an important date and that after all that, I still remembered his birthday.

This year was different. I remembered both birthdays. Only openly recognized one of them to the person directly of course. However, unlike last year I didn't feel bad about remembering. I'm guessing I won't forget about his birthday for awhile - if at all considering it's one day apart from my aunt's birthday.


It's been four days since the plants entered my home and they are still alive. Stay tuned for more updates.


I've said it before and I'll say it again - sometimes you're just damned if you do and damned if you don't. Especially when it comes to making a group of people happy. So, I think it's best to just do your best and realize that you can't please everyone all of the time.


Oktoberfest may have ended, but sock knitters all around are still celebrating Socktoberfest! Yes my friends, it's a celebration of hand-knitted socks! So break out your size 00,0, 1, 2, or 3 dpns and get going on your favorite sock pattern!


Last Friday it was announced the Chicago would not be hosting the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.

Honestly, I had mixed feeling about the idea of the games being held in Chi-town. I have to admit it would have been exciting and I surely would have gotten tickets even despite the fact that I prefer the winter games over the summer. It still would have been a great opportunity to see the games in person. Years and years ago, I was looking into tickets to see the winter games in Salt Lake City, UT. Let me tell you - it isn't cheap! However, that's not why I didn't go. In the end, I hope one day to get to the winter games. Maybe 2014 in Russia!?

Getting back to the matter of Chicago hosting the games. . .

There were those that were very disappointed upon hearing Chicago would not get the games. First and foremost, many just assumed the games were coming to Chicago - no questions asked. Yeah, talk about great disappointment!

Others, wanted to see the games come to the area because of the economic prosperity it would bring - at least for the next seven years. People have said to me they felt the eminent economic downturn after the games would be minimal/a small loss compared to what we would experience in the short-term. Some saw the gain in how they would benefit from it - guaranteed work in their industry, potential profit from adventures in real estate and/or more exposure for their creative endeavors.

Lastly, there are those who welcomed Friday's news. There are many who feel the money for this venture would be better spent on fixing the city's problems (you know, the small ones we have). They also felt that the economic downfall most cities experience post-games would not be good long-term.

Regardless, of where people stand, were you stood, the IOC spoke there peace and it's time to move on.

Cute in a cheesy kind of way. The music they choose for the video was interesting... It sound like it could be a version of "Hava Nagila."

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i still remember my ex-bf's birthday even though it doesn't matter. i just happen to know a lot of people who also have that birthday, so it comes up anyway.

the whole food stealing thing at work reminds me of "friends" when ross freaked out over having his sandwich stolen and then he needed anger management classes.

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