

Period. Exclamation.

By the time the first person reads this entry I will probably be sleeping. Or, at least I hope that is the case at the very least. Otherwise, I will be going for a stretch of 48 hours without sleep.

Yesterday was a crappy day. Period. Exclamation. And I'm not only talking about the weather. I was tired, crabby and physically not feelin' it. It was so bad that my laundry list of things I needed to get accomplished went out the door along with my overall motivation. It was just "one of those days." I did get one of the important things done so I convinced myself that the day was a success. By the time early evening arrived I quickly made my way back to bed. Well, I tried at least... However, that didn't last long. A friend convinced me to go out for the evening. Nothing super special, just a trip to B3 and dinner. (Yes, a hot and happening Friday evening people.) Actually, it was nice. It was just want I needed to get me out of my funk.

During the course of our outing I took advantage of the captive audience to bounce the news of my future schooling plans off them. More specifically, I wanted to discuss some of silly concerns I have (had) about my exact plans. I already knew the "rebuttal" to these concerns, but sometimes I need to hear it come from others in order to really get over myself. And to take it one step further, sometimes I need to hear it come from specific people because of the way I know they will communicate it to me. I was glad we got to have the conversation because it was the first time I was able to specifically articulate my thoughts around the venture and how I plan to use this education to compliment what I'm already doing professionally.

As predicted, as word of my plans hit the street - as I told my friends or they read my blog - I pretty much got the same reaction. The reaction I basically expected - "Yeah, that's what I figured." They've all seen it coming down the pipeline for sometime and have great confidence that I will be successful in this endeavor.

As for our adventures in B3 exploration and fine dining . . . My friend got what they needed and I started drooling over kitchen scales so I could weigh minis-skeins of yarn more accurately. (Yes, I will be getting help soon for this problem!) In all seriousness, I also got to educate my friend on the merits of paying the Dyson tax and coveted some super soft bath towels as I find myself wanting another huge bath sheet towel.

I guess it's true that sometimes it's the small things in life that truly make a difference!

Until later . . .

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