

Dreams Are Just Dreams

• On the positive side, at least this time it didn't cause me to wake up in a panic.

• The foot always seems to take the longest.

• Too much freakin' food.

• It's strange having somewhat long nails.

• So, per their request I wrote out why I was so captivated.

• I'm usually not THAT lucky.

• You may think it's June Cleaver's block by the street name, but not by the stuff that happens on that street.

• I can't imagine what set him off so much that he'd hurt a dog.

• They remembered me . . . it made me feel so loved!

• Not all Target stores are created equal.

• It looked WAY different in real life vs. its picture online. I'm glad I saw it in real life.

• This time the "E" was dropped from the other part of my name.

• To them I was just "Froggie" and that's how I wanted it to be because I knew eventually they'd figure out who I was related too.

• Each time I see them they look so different.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i agree about the target stores not being alike.

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