

"Princess Purple Rabbit"

This was an interesting week.

At the beginning of the month, as one door was shutting, another one was opening for me without my knowledge. Ok, I had a bit of a clue, but honestly I didn't realize the timing of everything was going to be SO perfect. It was if it was, dare I use the word because I know I will never hear the end of it from BFF and possibly KP. . . beshert. Yes! There, I said it. (Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!)

It's not the perfect situation, but I actually think it will serve its purpose right now and be a positive stepping stone long-term. Or, as KP would say, "I have a good feeling about this." Ultimately time will tell the effect this has on my life and honestly it's the first decision I've made in some time that has me waiting with some sense of anticipation to find out what happens next.

Aside from these shutting doors, I also had some unexpected luck this week fiber wise. I attended a knit group I had been to once before because I was in the area. I liked the people so when I knew I was going to be in the area again I planned on joining the group. It just so happened one of the regulars has a cousin who lives in Germany and recently attended a crafts show where the infamous Wollmeise yarn was being sold. If you're not familiar with this yarn all I can say about it is that you can't get it in the US at any local LYS. There is only one online site, aside from the Wollmeise site, that sells the yarn. That means people in the states check the Wollmeise site in the middle of the night waiting for them to replenish their stock. This of course happens when they feel like replenishing the online stock. Others have flown over to Germany to specifically go to their shop.

As it turns out, this rare destashing was suppose to take place last week, but this individual (who consequently I now consider one of my best friends) couldn't make up their mind on which ones they wanted to keep so they had to delay a week. It was just meant to be... or, beshert.

Then there was the gift I received after having lunch with one of my friends I've known since the fourth grade. As we were saying our good-byes she remembered she had something for me. Turns out she spins and had spun some superwash merino wool for me in my all time favorite color - Purple! I have to say, it's so soft and pretty. I can think of SO many things to make with it. It was a truly lovely gift and I started telling everyone I knew about this immediately - because I'm a special kind of knitting geek.

To round out the week, I was informed by my youngest niece that she didn't believe that I made the pair of socks I was wearing (as she pointed to them). Then two seconds later, she told me she was going to knit and that I was going to teach her. O....K.... If she truly does have an interest in learning I would love to teach her. It was after all my aunt who originally taught me how to knit. (I think this is where I insert a link to the song "Circle Of Life.")

Until later . . .

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