

Ethics and Morals

• Sometimes I think we would have been friends had it not been for "that" person.

• The pie theory was a bust, but it sure was a tasty experiment.

• Curling = Confusing

• They are now going for $400+ on eBay . . . It might be worth whipping up a few of those puppies and getting in on the actions!

• Ravelympics what?

• I just did what any good friend would do.

• Something that has always been seen as a good thing is suddenly part of the reason I'm being punished

• I use to think that when the light that indicated my gas tank was almost empty went on it meant I only had about 15 miles or so left. Now I know it really means I have another 60 or 70 miles.

• I aspire to be like her

• Receiving the tracking information means it's time to stalk the web site for updates!

• My competitive spirit is missing, maybe I should check the lost and found.

• "When my blankie starts getting a little too snobby I throw some FFI in just to remind it where it started from!" - Stashquisition

• One day I'll figure out a way to accept them better.

• Another one that has me thinking, "Just one more day!"

Until later . . .

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