

Unexpected Friendship

The first topic of this quartet is to talk about an unexpected friendship we've have in our lifetime.

I've been thinking about this all day. And, hours later I still can't come up with one friendship I've had that I would say was "unexpected." As my fellow bloggers in this group have been posting their entries I've been taking a peek. Maybe something would spark my memory. Still nothing. (Yeah, I know. Leave it to me to be the "difficult" one.) So, tonight I went through my "Friends" list on Facebook. Clearly everyone I'm friended with there is a super close friend. : D This actually helped me.

I'm choosing to talk about my friend Yelper. No, that's not actually their name, but since I met them through Yelp it's the most appropriate nickname I can come up with. I've never actually met Yelper, but I've been corresponding on and off with them for well over a year now. At first when I started pm-ing and e-mailing Yelper it was all surface level. They once gave me their phone number if I ever wanted to actually talk and eventually did months and months down the road. I don't know what motivated me to call, but I did. We haven't talked since that one time. We've discuss via e-mail hanging out. Why not? They only live an hour or so away from me. However, our schedules never seemed to gel.

We don't correspond all the time and it seems to go in cycles. What I find most interesting about this friendship is that even though I don't know this person in real life we've developed some form of a friendship. Recently, I was talking to them about some "drama" going on in my life. Getting just another prespective on things when it dawned on me how far my trust in them had gone.

A lot of my in real life friends don't know about Yelper (until now that it). Like I said, not someone I've met so I don't have stories to share about them. Recently I've started to wonder if I really want to meet Yelper in real life. I mean, that would ruin the whole dynamic of the friendship. Don't you think?

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i didn't know about yelper. sounds interesting. it's nice to have that friendship that you can keep to yourself sometimes. in 2008, i finally met up with someone i had been e-mail pals with since 1996. it was cool to finally meet her in person and it didn't change our friendship at all. we met up again a few months later when she was in my neck of the woods. of course, now that we live a closer distance between each other, we have had no time to get together. it figures, right? :)
great first post for the challenge!

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