

G-d's Plan

Another Thursday, another group post.

This week's topic was chosen by Me.

This week's topic: G-d's Plan For Your Life.

One small problem . . . It's not Thursday. It's Friday. My post was basically all written with the exception of a few tweaks needed. I was going to post it when I got home last night. Then I got on the phone. The conversation that lasted almost two hours. After I got off the phone I was exhausted and fell asleep. I guess it wasn't G-d's plan for me to post last night.

I woke up this morning well aware that I hadn't posted my Thursday entry. As I went to finish it up I reread it. Though relevant to the topic, I once again changed my mind as to what direction I wanted to take the assignment. (This was now the second change.)

I'm a bit bummed that I put all the energy into it just to change my mind. The good news is that it was a post I've wanted to write for some time. So, when the time is right all I have to do is push the "publish" button. Maybe that was part of G-d's plan as well...

So what do I have to say about G-d's plan that doesn't have to do with changing my mind or falling asleep?

For over two years I've been going through one of those times in life when people continuously say to me something to the effect of, "there is a plan and a reason you are going through this." Or, "G-d has a plan and it will all work out in the end." There have been times I thought I was coming out the other side, but I've come to find out that isn't the case. The tunnel just seems to be getting longer and longer. And, I'm getting a tad frustrated.

At times during this journey I've done my part to speed-up this process. Others times, I haven't because I've ran out of energy and have needed to recharge. Being in this holding pattern is difficult and it's hard when you think you've taken so many steps forward to only find you need to go back to what seems like the beginning once again.

Regardless, this is G-d's plan for me and one day it will all make sense . . . Or, at least that is what I am banking on.

Until later . . .

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