

Quote Me

Risks must be taken because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and becomes nothing." - Leo Buscaglia

It's Thursday once again.

This week Shara @ Desperate Madness challenged us to pick our favorite quote and write about what it means to us.

The other contributing bloggers are:

Melissa @ Me!!!
Jenn @ Charmingly Random

The above quote was the one I used for my senior quote in the 1994 edition of my high school's yearbook. It's been years since I've looked at it. Quite honestly, I forgot what quote I even used so I had a bit of a jaw dropping moment when I read it.

Why jaw dropping? It's been a hot topic of conversation in my life over the couple of weeks . . . months. See the truth of the matter is that I'm afraid of taking risks.

Yep, you read that correctly. The one that jumps out of planes and wants to learn how to ride a motorcycle is a afraid of taking risks. Ironic, isn't it!? Not so much . . . Those are the easy things to do if you ask me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've faced the possibility of death on three different occasions. After that, participating in such extreme activities no longer seems "risky."

So, why is it that I say with such vigor and conviction that I am afraid of taking risks? Well, to me taking taking a risk means risking my emotional well-being. Putting myself in a position of great vulnerability and disappiontment. To me there are two realms of my life in which the greatest life risks exist. They are my professional life and my personal life. "Proceed with caution." That is my motto when it comes to these two worlds. The saddest part of all this is that I know by not taking risks in these parts of my life I am most likely missing out on some greatest life rewards possible. I also acknowledge this and accept it as part of my current reality.

Professional Life: There have been so many trials and tribulations in my professional world I wouldn't even know where to begin. Not to mention, I am currently at a crossroads in this part of my life. What makes sense, and is safe, is to continue on the road I've been following for the past seven/eight years. However, I have to admit I don't know that it's one I necessarily want to follow because I believe long-term I will not find the fulfillment one should get from their work. However, what will? And, what if that leads to a dead-end as well? All these questions and uncertainty typically lead me to stay on the same path. The safe path.

Personal Life: ***DEEP BREATH*** This is where I really don't take a lot of risks - especially lately. Simply put, I've been hurt so many times by so many different people that I trusted that the entrance into my world, and even more importantly into my heart, is a tough one to get through. I feel bad about this, I honestly do. Sometime I feel so badly I feel as though I need to apologize for it. But often, I just stand my ground and take the stand that if someone wants in badly enough they will serve their time on the outside. Stubborn, selfish and arrogant, possibly. However, I keep telling myself you have to do what you have to do to protect yourself.

At the end of the day, if I do take a risk in these two worlds it is one in which I'm almost sure of the outcome that it wouldn't necessarily be considered a risk. I guess one would say it is a calculated risk.

So where is all this rambling leading too?

Going back to last week's topic, I think it was G-d's plan for me to revisit the world of the 18-year-old girl who felt so strongly about taking risks that she left that message as her high school legacy. It has served as a reminder of who I once was, who I feel I am deep down inside and the person I strive to be going forward. It has gotten me to challenge myself to take risks in all areas of my life.

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

You already know what I think of this. All I can say is "yesher koach." :)

Shara said...

I'm so happy that this topic made you think!! :) HUGS to you...!!

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