

Until You Get There

• I've said it once and I'll say it again - you don't know until you get there.

• "That type of p0nr is ok."

• This takes crazy to a whole new level.

• It's the dream jobs we speak of all the time, but realistically so not doable - ugh!

• Cautiously Optimistic

• As much as I hate to break it to you, yarn will not cure the common cold.

• Adventures in driving

• The decision took 5 months to make, but it paid off in the end

• Bad Hair Day - It's not only a Weird Al albumn; it's reality.

• What it's not normal to travel over an hour for yarn?

• Twice in two years - I need to take advantage of it more often.

• 20 and 19

• 14, not 12

• Knitting makes everything better!

Until later . . .

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