Two years.
At exactly 10:28 PM two years ago I posted the first "froggie knits like crazy" blog entry. On several occasions I've referred back to that post. Today will be one of those times.
"In the Beginning"I've said this many times, and I will keep saying it: this blog, in the beginng, was truly just for my entertainment. I was going through a difficult time in my life and had picked up knitting to give me something
else to think about. It was my escape from reality. Actually, this was the second time I used knitting as an escape, however this time instead of knitting all by my lonesome I actually ventured out into the social aspect of the fiber arts world. Or in otherwords, I joined a knitting group.
Looking back I laugh because I remember how intimidated I was by this move. I mean all I made at that time was baby blankets. At my first group meeting I saw all these socks, sweaters, hats, etc. Never in a million years would I have thought I could make any of these items. I was in awe of the knitting skills these people had and could only dream to be as talented. Ultimately, this group
convinced inspired me to try making fingerless gloves. So I got a set of DPNs and a ball of Sugar N' Cream cotton and went to town. Or, I at least tried. Let's just say I wasn't successful. Now that I'm more knowledge about fiber and yarn I understand why using SNC wasn't the best choice. As the saying goes - "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."
I have yet to make a pair of fingerless gloves, but when I do I will most likely recall this first attempt - once again.
"We've got cookies!"In June 2008 I took a trip with some of my new found knitting peeps to Marengo, IL to a yarn shop called The Fold. The Fold is very well known in this area for many reasons - one of them being they are the only shop in the Midwest that sells Socks That Rock (STR). During this trip I purchased two hanks of STR. I decided it would be the yarn I would use for my first pair of socks - that is once I learned how to make socks. Even though I ended up using a different yarn for my first pair of socks, it was the first time I seriously considered learning how. This trip is also significant because it was the time I purchased yarn at a fancy yarn shop opposed to my local JoAnn's Fabric.
Not long after that trip, I found myself falling down the slippery-slope I swore I could handle. I found myself buying more and more of my fibrous treats at local yarn shops opposed to the affordable crafts store I had once exclaimed I would stay faithful too. Also, the allure of sock making would eventually soon take over my projects page on Rav and there would be very little room (or time) left for hats, scarves and, yes, baby blankets. Somewhat like Anakin Skywalker, I had fallen prey to the dark-side, but I told myself if this had to be the case at least it was a dark-side that had cookies (and really soft yarn)!
"Ph.D. - Fiber Studies"I never thought I would know as much as I do about fiber and am even more surprised by how much I've enjoyed learning about it. Being a knitter doesn't necessarily mean you are a yarn/fiber lover. It just means you use it to achieve an end product. I often joke I have a Ph.D. in Fiber Studies. And, as much as it is "a joke," to some extent when I do find myself having in-depth, intelligent conversations about yarn and different fibers I wonder how much of a joke it really is.
"Dirty Laundry"No, I'm not talking about the pile of smelly clothes that take-up residence in the bright-blue mesh hamper thingy in my bedroom. I'm talking about the personal details of my life.
One of the most interesting things I find about blogging is how much "dirty laundry" people choose to expose. Making decisions about what parts of your life to make public, and which stay private, can be difficult at times. When you read someones blog you have to do so knowing this is just a snapshot of their life - and not necessarily their whole life.
When I first started blogging I didn't get personal. At least not for the first couple of months. Then, I let the flood-gates open. Sorta. Did I get super personal? No. However, I didn't exactly keeps everything to myself. When I did write about my personal life I kept things vague and all my friends got nicknames. As I have said many times, it's not their fault I'm dragging them into my posts so I feel a responsibility to them to protect their privacy. I did, however, try to be as open as I could allow myself to be given my experiences in the earlier half of 2008.
Last year, I set a goal for myself to be more forthcoming in my posts and bring them to a more open, personal level. Overall, though I still feel there are some matters that require discretion, I feel I've done a good job at being more open and less vague. I think some of that has to do with the Thursday blog project I take part in with a few of my friends and some of it has to do with personal growth.
Though posts about my personal life have not been as vast in the past year, I still stay committed to being forthcoming when I do choose to write about matters close to my heart (and life).
"I'm a what?"About two months ago I was referred to as an author. And, recently I was referred as a writer. On both occasions I was taken a back by these labels because I never thought of myself as either. When I think of someone being a writer/author I think of my middle brother who writes text books. Or, Emily Giffin - my favorite ChickLit author. Though, once upon a time I dreamed I would become a famous Public Relations practitioner who wrote great press releases and speeches, that is not what I ended up doing career wise. Maybe it is that dream of the past that makes my current perception of being either a bit skewed. Instead, I see myself as one of many blogs floating around in cyberspace looking for a voice.
Over the past two years my blog has been somewhat of a source of frustration for one reason or another. At first it was a feeling that some that read my blog did so not because they actually liked it, but rather looking for an insight into my life that they shouldn't have really had. However, slowly (but surely) that changed to frustration over lack of focus.
If you take a look back at some of my older posts you will see that in one post I would have little blurbs about this and that rather than posts that focused on one topic as they do now. So, when I speak of focus I am't not necessarily speak of my posts specifically. (I seem to have that under control.) When I speak of focus I speak of what I ultimately want this blog to be about and represent.
I do hold some hope that this little piece of cyberspace I fill will eventually turn into what I want it to be. As my friend M (and many other in my life) often say - "It's a process. However, as we all know going through that process sometimes isn't always fun and enjoyable. It's only when you come out on the other end do you realize why you went through it." I know in my heart they are right, but at times it's hard to keep faith in that process. Thankfully, at the end of the day I do believe in the process, whether I openly admit to it or not, because if I didn't I wouldn't be pressing on.
"Moving Forward . . ."Right now the only thing I can say about the future of this blog - and my knitting endeavors - is that I have a few ideas of some changes I would like to make, but not any definite plans for the shape and form it will take on. I've talk to my friends about so many different ideas I just need to really put them all down on paper and develop a plan of attack. In the meantime, I'm staying right where I am. Blogging about yarn, my project and whatever else I am inspired to discuss.
I hope you will stay along for the ride because I think it will be a fun one!
As for knitting, I have a stack of Berroco Ultra Alpaca sitting in a corner waiting to be turned into a February Lady sweater. I contend I can't knit a sweater, but in reality what I'm saying is that I don't want to put up with the frustration I felt the first time I attempted it. There are many more socks to be made and many new types of projects to tackle.
"Last, but not at all least!"Thank you to all those that entered my Blogiversary contest. I was
floored by the number of responses.
Before I announce the winner of the giveaway I wanted to say that it has meant a lot to me to bring attention to the work of these two very talented individuals. I admire those that follow their passion whether it be dying yarn, writing patterns, etc. That is why I try to support as many Indie Dyers and designers as possible whenever I indulge in a knitting related purchases.
With that said . . .
The winner of my giveaway is Suzy of
Suzy's Artsy-Craftsy Sitcom. Congratulations Suzy!
Again, thank you to everyone for entering. It truly has been a pleasure for me.
Until later . . .